Julie Pezzini is the younger sister of Sara Pezzini, wielder of the Witchblade. She was a model and seems to love everything about living in the fast lane, not taking the time to stop and smell the roses. She originally had a really bad habit of breaking into Sara’s apartment and freeloading whenever she came into town. Her lifestyle sometimes brought her into conflict with wrong people. One such a man was Gavin Taylor. She had an intimate relationship with him but he would beat her. Julie only managed to rid herself of him when he was thrown in prison.
Later Julie entered into a relationship with Jake McCarthy, Sara’s partner. Initially things were find for the couple but the relationship was doomed. Jake was eventually forced to arrest Julie for drug trafficking. While in jail, Jake tried to shoot Julie while he is under the influence of Lachryma. Despite not visiting her for quite some time (due to coma, work, and her pregnancy) Sara goes to visit Julie in prison and re-establish contact with her. Julie initially accuses her older sister of getting a boob job, but is informed that they are larger as she is breast feeding and she then informs her about Hope. To say Julie is surprised that her sister had a baby was an understatement. During her next visit she brings Hope with her to meet “Aunt Julie”. Julie is enamored with the little one and Sara offers Julie a place to stay when she is released from prison (with Hope‘s blessing). She offered to pick Julie up the day she was released but do to the influence of the dark aspect of her Witchblade Sara did not pick up her sister. Julie managed to get a ride to Sara’s apartment and meets Patrick Gleason for the first time. Julie goes with Patrick goes to find Sara (who had taken over the bridge and built a giant structure on it. Gleason sneaks Julie in as Sara and the two are reunited with Sara when Dani becomes the Angelus and rebalanced the Witchblade.
Despite being very shallow prison has truly changed Julie. Sara now confides in her with personal information that she would not have shared with her sister before hand demonstrating how truly far the relationship between the two sisters has come. Julie has also had a heart to heart with Gleason to see where he stands with her sister. Julie was Sara’s live in baby sitter and the three were getting along very well.

While babysitting Hope in a park she encounters Aphrodite IV disguised as a clown selling balloons. Aphrodite pulls a gun and shoots her in the head kidnapping Hope afterwards. In the wake of her death which is currently unknown to her sister Sara, the ex-con Julie Pezzini left a fairy-tale book she had written for he niece Hope. A note left on the fictional tale states that Julie may have known death would soon come her way when living in such a mystical environment of angels and demons. Julie Pezzini will always be remembered as the broken soul that died after truly healing. Killed without warning, she will eternally have a place in her sister’s heart.
After Death
Julie went to Hell, like everyone else in this universe, but her soul has still not been collected by the collectors. She helps those who wander around in hell. She once helped Tilly Grimes to seek out Tom Judge.