Other Media
Video Games
Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

Game Bio: Kimberly Hart is a strong and independent teenager who longs for adventure. This champion gymnast is able to use her acrobatic skills to flip out of any situation.
Kimberly Hart with Dragon Shield

Game Bio: The Dragonzord’s power was entrusted to Kimberly by Jason before the final fight against Lord Drakkon. With this power, she resolves to avenge the Tommy Oliver she loved and save all of reality from Drakkon’s destructive plan.
Released: 03/06/2020
Movie Kimberly

Game Bio: Kimberly, the Pink Power Ranger, used to be the Queen Bee of Angel Grove High, but is now struggling to find her identity. She has a new rebel-without-a-cause, edgy attitude but is hiding a secret that makes her feel deeply vulnerable.