Lad of Steel

Lad of Steel

The Lad of Steel arrived on the super-hero scene of Infantino City, along with the Lad of Tomorrow, Evil Cyborg Lethargic Lad and Little Green Boy immediately following the reported death of Lethargic Lad.

The Lad of Steel is the strong, silent type, allowing Evil Cyborg Lethargic Lad and Little Green Boy do most of the talking.

The four new Lethargic Lads remained by the original Lethargic Lad’s side when it was revealed that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. The Lad of Steel has assisted Lethargic Lad professionally protect Infantino City from Maritan Invasions, The Part-Time-Lethargic-Lad-Revenge-Squad, and Professor Monkeyhead.

The Lad of Steel also spends social time with the Lathargic Lads attending comic book conventions, watching blockbuster movies or hanging out at The Trendy Coffee Shop.