Very little is known about Little Miss Hollywood. As a child, she joined the Newsboy Army, and went with them on several fantastical adventures. When their friend Mo Colley was taken over by a Sheeda spine-rider, Hollywood was the only person who managed to halt his rampage; she was thus present when he was shot to death by the police. After his death she joined the team on one final mission, where they encountered the Terrible Time Tailor Zor, who corrupted her character arc. She grew up to become an alcoholic and a faded, has-been hero.
Little Miss Hollywood was created by Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart. She made her first appearance in Seven Soldiers: Guardian #4.
Major Story Arcs
Seven Soldiers of Victory
Hollywood attends a hero convention, which is her primary form of making money. There, she learns of the death of her childhood friend Vincenzo Baldi. After the convention, she gathers with several other guests. She proposes a toast to her lost friend.
Powers and Abilities
Little Miss Hollywood is a gifted mimic of female voices. She is also a skilled actress. Her aging appears to have been slowed or halted; it is unclear how this occurred.