Loony Leo is a character created by Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross as a homage to Tawky Tawny , character who also have a similar relationship to Captain Marvel, homaged in the figure of the Gentleman. He appeared as a main character of issue 13 of the first series of Astro City.
Loony Leo was a cartoon character from a series of features made in the 1940’s. During a battle between the Gentleman and Professor Borzoi, where Borzoi was using a machine to transform the monsters from the movies in real creatures. Accidentally, the machine affected an image of Leo, who following his heroic nature from his animated shorts, sided with the Gentleman and destroyed the machine, even if tha meaned his own dissolution. However, thanks to the help of the Gentleman, Leo gained conciensce throught the collective beliefes of the people around and became his own being. He later became an associate to the Gentleman, helping him in several adventures. During the 40s Leo also gained big popularity as the only living toon of the world and he enjoyed the life of a Hollywood celebrity.
However, after the war, Leo fell in bad times and his immortality didn’t help him. He suffered ostracism and people forget him, leaving him without sources of income. In this difficult circunstances, Leo left the city and started to wandering around the country and falling in depression.
At this vulnerable point, Loony Leo was convinced by Zzardo, a foe of the Honor Guard, to take on the identity of the Myth-Master. The Myth-Master battled the Honor Guard and was going to deliver a death blow, but was unable to follow through. He instead released the Honor Guard, revealed that he was Looney Leo and exposed Zzardo’s plan.
Leo choosed to live in reclusion since then but then a new oportunity arouse when the company owner of the rights of his old cartoons offered the chance to act as the host of a nightclub in Astro City called Loony Leo’s. Since then, Leo has stablished himself a more quiet life, but always ready to jump at any new chance of fame than could come.