Luke Skywalker


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Luke Skywalker was born in Polis Massa in 19 BBY. His birth was kept a secret because it was occurring during the Great Purge of the Jedi by Emperor Palpatine through the use of his clone army. The majority of the Jedi were killed or being hunted down, as were all those with a high enough midi-chlorian count to be Force sensitive. In order to protect Luke from his father – Darth Vader – Luke and his sister Leia were split up and hidden by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia with Senator Bail Organa on Alderaan and Luke with his step uncle and aunt on Tatooine where his father grew up.

Despite the kindness and generosity of his foster father Luke and Owen often didn’t get on. Luke was far too adventurous for Owen’s liking (a trait he inherited from his father) and he spent precious time training to be a pilot instead of a moisture farmer like Owen wanted. At first Obi-Wan Kenobi, having chosen to watch over the Luke on Tatooine, would frequently visit and tell him stories of his father’s exploits as a Jedi, although never revealing to Luke that he was there with Anakin as a fellow Jedi.

Luke listened to the tales never suspecting that old Ben Kenobi was anything other than a crazy man. Owen began to dislike these tales that Ben was regaling Luke with as he felt these nurtured and expanded the adventurous side of Luke. He promptly banned Ben from visiting Luke before Luke became a teenager.


Luke Skywalker was created by George Lucas that first appeared in the film Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Major Story Arcs

A New Hope

“I want to come with you to Alderaan. There’s nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like my father.”

Luke with his father's lightsaber
Luke with his father’s lightsaber

When a group of Jawa traders visited Luke’s moisture farm, Luke and his uncle Owen purchased two droids: R2-D2 and C-3PO. While cleaning and repairing the droids, Luke discovered a part of a holorecording in R2-D2 asking for aid from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In an attempt to view the rest of the message, Luke removed the restraining bolt from R2-D2 but to no avail, the holorecording cut off. While Luke was eating tea with his aunt and uncle, Artoo took advantage of the lack of restraining bolt and escaped the moisture farm, seeking Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The next morning, Luke and Threepio took Luke’s speeder and went looking for the Artoo. They found the astromech in a canyon in the Jundland Wastes but were ambushed by Tusken Raiders shortly afterwards. The Tuskens knocked out Luke and tore off Threepio’s arm while Artoo hid in an alcove of the canyon wall. They were rescued by Ben Kenobi who took Luke to his home for Luke to recover. Ben informed Luke of his real name – Obi-Wan – and that he was the man Artoo claimed to be searching for. Obi-Wan informed Luke that his father was a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars and encouraged Luke to train in the ways of the Force under Obi-Wan. Luke turned down the offer, stating that he was needed by his uncle for their farm but did offer Obi-Wan a lift to Anchorage where Obi-Wan could get a transport to Mos Eisley.

On the way, they encountered the Jawa transport that had sold the droids to Luke and Owen. The transport had been destroyed by a group of Imperial stormtroopers. Luke realized that if the stormtroopers were seeking the droids and that if they had found the Jawas, they would soon find the moisture farm as well. Luke immediately traveled back to the farm only to find the farm sacked and his uncle and aunt dead. Grieving, he returned to Obi-Wan and agreed to travel with him to Alderaan and learn to become a Jedi.

Together, they traveled to the space port of Mos Eisley where they met Han Solo and Chewbacca. They hired the pair of them to take them to Alderaan in their ship: the Millennium Falcon. During the journey, Obi-Wan began Luke’s training, giving him his father’s lightsaber and a training droid. Upon arrival in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. a space station the size of a small moon. They hid in some smuggling compartments on the ship then made their way to the control room where Obi-Wan found out the location of the tractor beam controls so he could disable it.

When Artoo discovered the location of Princess Leia, Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the detention block where she was being held. They freed Leia only to find themselves pinned down by a squad of stormtroopers. Together they fled down a junk disposal tunnel and found themselves in a magnetically sealed room. After a close shave involving their near deaths when the walls of the room began to close in on them, the group made their way back to the Falcon only to find Obi-Wan in the midst of a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Obi-Wan fell to Vader’s blade but instead of dying in the normal sense, Obi-Wan just disappeared.

The rest of the group escaped in the Falcon and traveled to the Rebel base on Yavin IV but were followed by the Death Star due to a tracker placed on board the Millennium Falcon during Leia’s rescue. After a briefing on how the Rebels were to destroy the Death Star, Luke flew an X-Wing with proton torpedoes to be used against the giant space station alongside many other rebels. One of the rebels named Biggs Darklighter was an old friend of Luke’s from Tatooine.

Many rebels died during the assault on the Death Star, including Darklighter. Eventually though, through using the Force for guidance, Luke managed to shoot one of his proton torpedoes down an exhaust pipe and into the Death Star, destroying it shortly before it would have fired on Yavin IV.

Upon their return to the Rebel base, Luke and Han were celebrated as heroes and were each awarded with medals from Princess Leia.

Choices of One

Star Wars: Choices Of OneStar Wars: Choices Of One
Star Wars: Choices Of One

Following an infiltration mission to discover potential bases for the Rebel Alliance, Luke was tasked with an assignment to travel to the planet Poln Major. He was ordered to follow the Millenium Falcon in a Z-95 Headhunter without alerting Han or Chewbacca of his presence. Han had been given the job of escorting the former governor of the Logarra District on Alderaan – a man named Vestin Axlon – to Poln Major where he would be negotiating a new base for the Rebellion in exchange for protection from the alien warlord Nuso Esva who had built up an army in uncharted space. Once he arrived on Poln Major, Luke was to act as a hidden aspect should things turn sour.

Han, however, was not as easy to trick as Axlon had hoped. Upon landing, Han immediately walked to where Luke’s Z-95 Headhunter was docked to confront him. Realizing that there was little point in maintaining Luke’s presence as a secret, Axlon ordered Luke to accompany him for the first meeting with the Imperial governor of the Candoras system: Bidor Ferrouz.

The next day, Axlon received word that an Imperial agent (Mara Jade) would be targeting Ferrouz for his treasonous meetings with the Rebel Alliance. Luke was ordered to wait outside the palace, watching for the agent and engage her in combat if necessary. But by the time Luke was in position, he was too late. Mara Jade had already entered the palace under the guise of a criminal.

While Luke was watching outside, Mara Jade had infiltrated the palace. As she was about to take Ferrouz’s life, he revealed to her that he had only proposed to join the Alliance because Nuso Esva had captured his wife and daughter. Mara Jade was leaving to follow up some leads when the palace was attacked by a group of Nuso Esva’s men.

Outside, Luke found himself in the middle of a riot created by more of Nuso Esva’s men. Thinking that Ferrouz had been killed by Mara Jade – with her lightsaber – the ringleader grabbed Luke’s lightsaber and flailed it around in the air, shouting that Luke had killed Ferrouz. Luke was able to retrieve his weapon and escape the riot but was unable to contact his fellow rebels. His comlink had become damaged beyond use when he threw it at the man holding his lightsaber in a successful attempt to make him release it. However, Luke was found by Brightwater of the Hand of Judgement. Brightwater gave Luke his belt which contained emergency rations and other useful items before heading back to the rest of his team. The Hand of Judgement had been recruited by Mara Jade for one final mission before they were forced to retire due to lack of supplies.

Mara Jade, Ferrouz and Axlon (who was about to have his second meeting with Ferrouz when the palace was attacked) had met up with the Hand of Judgement in the cellar of a tapcaf. Mara Jade left to try and find Ferrouz’s family while everyone else held their positions. With Mara Jade gone, Axlon took the opportunity to betray Ferrouz and the Hand of Judgement, he severely injured Grave and Quiller then held the rest at blaster point. He revealed his plans to forge an alliance between the Rebels and Nuso Esva’s army by helping to kill Ferrouz and to blame it on Luke by killing Ferrouz with Luke’s lightsaber upon his arrival. However, while Axlon was distracted, Quiller was able to use Brightwater’s knife to stab and kill Axlon. LaRone contacted Luke to inform him of Axlon’s betrayal and what his intentions had been. Instead of coming to the tapcaf, LaRone asked Luke to spy on the group of Nuso Esva’s men who had been responsible for the riot.

When the group was about to move out, Luke killed the sentry guarding their speeder, removed the blasters from the speeder’s storage compartment and hid himself in their under a blanket behind the dead sentry’s body. Upon the discovery of the body in their storage compartment, Nuso Esva’s men assumed that the Hand of Judgement had killed the sentry and made off with their blasters. With Luke stowing away in the storage compartment, they travelled to the cave in which Ferrouz’s family was hidden. Here, Luke hid in a dark corner, biding his time until the opportunity to make his way into the room which contained Ferrouz’s family revealed itself.

When Mara Jade deliberately set off a booby trap elsewhere in the cave causing a large explosion, Luke took his opportunity and ran for the door to the room containing Ferrouz’s family. Unfortunately, however, he was pinned down by Nuso Esva’s forces and would have been slain had it not been for the aid of Mara Jade. Mara Jade rescued Ferrouz’s family while Luke left. The Rebel forces had realized their chances of establishing a new base on Poln Minor were slim. They withdrew from the planet and headed for Hoth, accidentally leaving clues as to there new whereabouts for Vader to follow.

The Empire Strikes Back

“No, I am your father.”

“No. No! That’s not true! That’s impossible!”

“Search your feelings; you know it to be true!”


–Vader and Luke

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Three years after the Death Star had been destroyed, the Empire destroyed the Rebel Base on Hoth VI. Though the spiritual guidance of Obi-Wan, Luke traveled to Dagobah, in whose swamps Yoda now made his home, to become Yoda’s apprentice and continue his training in use of the Force. Luke was however troubled by visions of Han and Leia tortured by the Empire and decided cease his training to rescue his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City he was too late to save Han or Leia–but he and Vader engaged in a lightsaber battle. Vader’s power was much more vast than Luke’s, but he did not kill Luke because he wanted Luke to turn to the Dark Side and become an ally of the Empire.

They fought, and Vader eventually slashed off Luke’s hand at the wrist and his father’s lightsaber along with it. Vader tells Luke his true parentage but Luke chose death over life as Vader’s son, and he let go and fell. He barely survived and continued the fight against Vader and the Empire.

Return of the Jedi

“Never. I’ll never turn to the Dark Side. You have failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”

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More than six months passed. Over that time, Luke formed a plan to free Han. The group went to Luke’s former home planet of Tatooine, location of Jabba the Hutt‘s palace, where Han was frozen (Lando Calrissian participated in order to win a wager against Leia Organa, who had bet that he could not redeem himself by assisting them). They freed him and Leia succeeded in killing Jabba himself. The Alliance had learned that the Empire was building a second, more powerful Death Star, knowledge that the Emperor had secretly allowed it to obtain. Luke and his friends arrive at Endor and align with the Ewok, until Luke decides to confront his father and the Emperor. When Leia tries to persuade him not to do it, Luke reveals their relation as siblings and that it was his destiny to confront the Dark Lords of the Sith.

When Luke traveled to the base where Vader and the Emperor were, he revealed his acceptance of the fact that Vader had once been Anakin Skywalker, his father, and tried to draw Vader back where Kenobi had failed. But aboard the unfinished second Death Star, he would eventually duel his father in another lightsaber duel. Once Vader learns about Leia and threatens her life, Luke succumbs to the Dark Side. After Luke defeats Vader, the Emperor tempts to take his father’s place but Luke refuses. Enraged, the Emperor fired Force lightning at him, and was about to kill him as Vader watched. Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker once again and throw’s the Emperor down the reactor shaft. Luke tries to save his father, but he request that his helmet be removed so he can see his son one last time.

Luke escapes the Death Star just time as it explodes are lands on Endor, where he cremates his father’s armor on a funeral pyre. Luke later joins the Rebels as they celebrate the end of the Empire and sees the spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin watch over them.

Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

Shortly after his promotion to general, Luke was involved in the attack on an Imperial base on the planet Mindor. The planet was surrounded by meteors on almost unpredictable courses. As a result, the New Republic hit as hard and fast as they could so the Imperial forces seemed to be defeated very easily. However, it was all a ploy. Lord Shadowspawn pretended to be flying to Luke’s ship under the pretense of peace negotiations while the ship was in fact loaded with a bomb. Before the bomb could reach Luke’s ship, he realized what it was and had it destroyed. Despite this, the blast from the bomb was able to split Luke’s ship into three, killing many members of the crew.

Luke during the assault on MindorLuke during the assault on Mindor
Luke during the assault on Mindor

Luke was able to use the Force to land his third of the ship and decided to allow himself to be captured by Shadowspawn’s forces. He was taken into an underground complex where he was forced to engage in a duel with Shadowspawn. Part of the way through the duel, Luke realized that the man he was fighting was a fake, Lord Shadow’s Pawn. Using the Force, Luke discovered exactly where to hit the man in order to release the control put over him by Cronal (also known as Blackhole). The man informed Luke of his name, Nick, but their exchange was cut short when the rock beneath them literally moved and swallowed them both. It was Cronal’s plan to move his Force essence into Luke, giving him immense power and an important position. He had been planning for this to happen for a long time and had discovered a way of using Force alchemy to manipulate the stone (meltmassif).

He gave Luke the illusion that he was at the end of the universe and that any struggle would be useless but Luke was able to extend his presence and free Nick who had been possessed once again. Nick defeated the other possessed individuals but was unable to save them, he then used the stun setting on a blaster to liquefy the meltmassif surrounding Luke.

Together they escaped from the complex and were confronted by a group of black armored stormtroopers. Instead of fighting, however, they hailed Luke as their Emperor – part of Cronal’s plan so that he would be the Emperor when he took over Luke’s body. Luke ordered the stormtroopers to cease firing on the New Republic forces and help them instead. They moved on to were Luke predicted the Millenium Falcon would land soon but instead of finding Han, Leia and Chewbacca aboard, they found Nick’s girlfriend Aeona and a group of Mindorians.

After being rescued by the Falcon, Aeona and the Mindorians had thought that the best way of escaping the planet alive would be to hijack it so they had kicked out the actual crew members in a cave. Luke realized that this gave Cronal the perfect opportunity to take Leia’s body instead of Luke’s. He commanded the new crew to fly down into the meltmassif using the ship’s blasters to liquefy it so the ship could get through. He arrived to find Han with an unconscious Leia as her brain was infected with meltmassif to help Cronal transfer his Force essence. Luke tried to help Leia but realized that she didn’t need it.

As the group were about to escape, they were attacked by Cronal who was possessing Nick’s brother Kar Vastor, a hulking human with Force sensitivity. After defeating him, Luke used the Force link between Cronal and Vastor to communicate with Cronal who was in hyperspace escaping at the time. Cronal used the meltmassif to send every one of his stormtroopers on a rampage which caught the New Republic forces unaware as the stormtroopers had been acting peacefully under Luke’s command. Luke was able to destroy the item allowing Cronal control over the meltmassif but in doing so, killed the thousands of stormtroopers formerly under Cronal’s command. Feeling that it was necessary after causing all the deaths, Luke remained connected to every single stormtrooper as they died.

Shortly afterwards, Luke resigned his position as general and hired the investigator Lorz Geptun to find out everything he could about the events on Mindor. However, instead of filing a full and proper report, Geptun accepted a holodrama contract and sold a story based on the events in exchange for more money than Luke was offering. After a lot of persuasion, Luke was made to come around to the idea as it would only bring good publicity to the New Republic and Luke.

Ambush at Corellia

Following Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children’s departure to Corellia for their holiday, Luke visited Lando Calrissian in his new home in the lower levels of Coruscant. The home complex had been a project of Lando’s to provide a pleasant place to live for those who could not afford to move to the higher levels. Lando explained to Luke his desire to marry a wealthy heiress so as to use her money for further investment opportunities. Although Luke was initially against the idea, Lando was able to persuade him to accompany Lando on a visit to three possible wives Lando had picked out so that Lando could show off his important position.

The two shortly left for the first woman, a widow named Karia Ver Seryan on the planet Leria Kerlsil. Lando found her to be exactly what he was looking for and was in the process of marrying her when R2-D2 and C-3PO arrived and informed them that Karia was in fact a life-witch (or a life-bearer). Karia had the ability to prevent her husband from feeling any pain or discomfort but at the cost of only five more years of life. Lando and Luke quickly left to seek out the next prospect wife.

This too turned out to be a failure. Condren Foreck lived on the planet Azbrian but had got married shortly before the arrival of Luke and Lando and failed to notify them. After an awkward exchange, Luke and Lando left a planet without a wife for Lando once again.

Lando’s next potential wife was a woman named Tendra Risant on the planet Sacorria in the Corellian sector. In order to prevent the trip to be yet another failure, Luke encouraged Lando to pay Tendra a holonet call before they arrived. Lando found that he could easily converse with Tendra and they quickly began talking about a multitude of subjects. When the Lady Luck landed on Sacorria, the conversation quickly continued but was cut short after a meal when Sacorrian police ordered Luke and Lando to leave the planet immediately. Lando and Tendra agreed to communicate with each other via radio on a set date when Lando would be on Sacorria’s moon.

Luke and Lando moved on to Corellia where they planned to meet Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children for the Trade Summit but, upon arrival, found the largest interdiction field in known history forming. Realizing that something was drastically wrong, Luke told Lando to turn the Lady Luck around and head back to Coruscant to get help.

Other Media


Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Luke’s first appearance, he was portrayed by Mark Hamill.

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Mark Hamill plays Luke again in the second Star Wars film.

Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi

Mark Hamill reprises the role of Luke for the last time in the last film of the original trilogy.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

In this last episode of the prequel trilogy, Luke briefly appears as a baby towards the end of the film.

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Mark Hamill reprises his role as Luke Skywalker some 30 years after the last original trilogy ended.

Video Games

Star Wars Arcade (1983)

The player controls Luke (“Red Five”), as he pilots an X-wing fighter from a first-person perspective.

Super Star Wars

Luke is one of 3 playable characters in the SNES trilogy.

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Luke makes an appearance as a non-playable character in Shadows of the Empire where he teams-up with Dash Rendar.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron I-II-III

The player controls Luke, commander of the elite X-wing pilots known as Rogue Squadron.

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

The player must complete various missions assigned to them by Kyle Katarn and Luke.

Star Wars: Battlefront II

Luke is a playable hero for the Rebels.

LEGO Star Wars

Luke appears in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. He is a major part in the story mode of both and is playable in free play as well.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Luke is a boss in the Hoth DLC, he is also available as a skin to play as.


Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

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The turning point for the entire Star Wars saga is at hand…

After years of civil war, the Separatists have battered the already faltering Republic nearly to the point of collapse. On Coruscant, the Senate watches anxiously as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aggressively strips away more and more constitutional liberties in the name of safeguarding the Republic. Yoda, Mace Windu, and their fellow Masters grapple with the Chancellor’s disturbing move to assume control of the Jedi Council. And Anakin Skywalker, the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force, is increasingly consumed by his fear that his secret love, Senator Padmé Amidala, will die.

As the combat escalates across the galaxy, the stage is set for an explosive endgame: Obi-Wan undertakes a perilous mission to destroy the dreaded Separatist military leader General Grievous. Palpatine, eager to secure even greater control, subtly influences public opinion to turn against the Jedi. And a conflicted Anakin—tormented by unspeakable visions—edges dangerously closer to the brink of a galaxy-shaping decision. It remains only for Darth Sidious, whose shadow looms ever larger, to strike the final staggering blow against the Republic…and to ordain a fearsome new Sith Lord: Darth Vader.

  • Written by: Matthew Stover
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader

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Throughout the galaxy, it was believed that Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker—the Chosen One—had died on Coruscant during the siege of the Jedi Temple. And, to some extent, that was true. Anakin was dead.

From the site of Anakin Skywalker’s last stand—on the molten surface of the planet Mustafar, where he sought to destroy his friend and former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi—a fearsome specter in black has risen. Once the most powerful Knight ever known to the Jedi Order, he is now a disciple of the dark side, a lord of the dreaded Sith, and the avenging right hand of the galaxy’s ruthless new Emperor. Seduced, deranged, and destroyed by the machinations of the Dark Lord Sidious, Anakin Skywalker is dead… and Darth Vader lives.

Word of the events that created him—the Jedi Council’s failed mutiny against Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the self-crowned Emperor’s retaliatory command to exterminate the Jedi Order, and Anakin’s massacre of his comrades and Masters in the Jedi Temple—have yet to reach all quarters. On the Outer Rim world of Murkhana, Jedi Masters Roan Shryne and Bol Chatak and Padawan Olee Starstone are leading a charge on a Separatist stronghold, unaware that the tide, red with Jedi blood, has turned suddenly against them.

When the three narrowly elude execution—and become the desperate prey in a hunt across space—it’s neither clone soldiers, nor the newly deployed stormtroopers, nor even the wrath of the power-hungry Emperor himself they must fear most. The deadliest threat rests in the hideously swift and lethal crimson lightsaber of Darth Vader—behind whose brooding mask lies a shattered heart, a poisoned soul, and a cunning, twisted mind hell-bent on vengeance.

For the handful of scattered Jedi, survival is imperative if the light side of the Force is to be protected and the galaxy somehow, someday reclaimed. Yet more important still is the well-being of the twin infants, Leia and Luke Skywalker, the children of Anakin and his doomed bride, Padmé Amidala. Separated after Padmé’s death, they must be made safe at all costs, lest the hope they represent for the future be turned to horror by the new Sith regime—and the unspeakable power of the dark side.

  • Written By: James Luceno
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

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Luke Skywalker Challenged the Stormtroopers of a Distant Galaxy on a Daring Mission—Where a Force of Life Became the Power of Death!

Farm chores sure could be dull, and Luke Skywalker was bored beyond belief. He yearned for adventures out among the stars—adventures that would take him beyond the furthest galaxies to distant and alien worlds.

But Luke got more than he bargained for when he intercepted a cryptic message from a beautiful princess held captive by a dark and powerful warlord. Luke didn’t know who she was, but he knew he had to save her—and soon, because time was running out.

Armed only with courage and with the light saber that had been his father’s, Luke was catapulted into the middle of the most savage space war ever…and he was headed straight for a desperate encounter on the enemy battle station known as the Death Star!

  • Written By: George Lucas and Alan Dean Foster
  • Published By: Ballantine Books

Star Wars: Allegiance

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Never before has the incendiary mix of action, politics, and intrigue that has become Timothy Zahn’s trademark, been more evident that in this new Star Wars epic. On the heels of the stunning events chronicled in Star Wars: A New Hope, the newly minted heroes of the Rebellion—fledgling Jedi Luke Skywalker, smuggler turned reluctant freedom-fighter Han Solo, and Princess Leia Organa, a bold leader with a world to avenge—must face the harsh realities of the cataclysmic conflict into which they have so bravely plunged. From this point forward, legends will grow, treachery will abound, and lives will be irrevocably altered, in the long, hard fight to counter the fist of tyranny and restore hope to a galaxy too long in darkness.

The destruction of the Death Star by the Rebel Alliance was a decisive blow against the Empire, but Palpatine and his monstrous enforcer, Darth Vader, are no less of a threat. The brutal extermination of Alderaan not only demonstrated the magnitude of their murderous power, but served as a chilling testament to their resolve to crush the Rebel uprising. Standing against them, Skywalker, Solo, and the Princess remain uncertain opponents. Luke is gifted and brave, but unschooled in the power he possesses. Han has doubts about waging someone else’s war—and his contentiousness is one more burden for Leia to bear as she struggles to help keep the Rebellion alive. The three have been sent to mediate a dispute between Rebel Alliance factions in Shelsha Sector—agitating matters by forcing Han to deal not only with pirates, but with his more dreaded enemy, politics. At the same time, Mara Jade—all of eighteen and years away from her fateful meeting with Luke—is serving her evil master, Palpatine, well in her role as the Emperor’s Hand: tracking suspected treachery in the Empire to what may be high places—while trying to stay out of Darth Vader’s way.

But the Rebels will prove to be only one of the Empire’s concerns. For Imperial Stormtrooper Daric LaRone, his faith in the Empire shaken by the wanton destruction of Alderaan, will commit a sudden and violent act of defiance, and take four other enforcers with him, in a desperate bid to elude their masters’ wrath.

Each of these fateful actions, whether sanctioned, secret, or scandalous, will expose brutality and corruption, spur upheavals destined to shake the Empire to its core, and shape momentous events yet to come.

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Choices of One

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From #1 New York Times bestselling author Timothy Zahn comes a brand-new Star Wars adventure, set in the time between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back and featuring the young Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, and the beloved Mara Jade.

Eight months after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion is in desperate need of a new base. So when Governor Ferrouz of Candoras sector proposes an alliance, offering the Rebels sanctuary in return for protection against the alien warlord Nuso Esva, Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie are sent to evaluate the deal.

Mara Jade, the Emperor’s Hand, is also heading for Candoras, along with the five renegade stormtroopers known as the Hand of Judgment. Their mission: to punish Ferrouz’s treason and smash the Rebels for good.

But in this treacherous game of betrayals within betrayals, a wild card is waiting to be played.

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine

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Enter the explosive universe of the exciting online game


It is a time of great turmoil. The oppressive Empire is close to seizing complete control of the galaxy. The ragtag guerrilla army of the Rebel Alliance fights on, striking wherever it can, but now something has come to light that could spell certain doom. Hidden in the Jedi ruins of Dantooine is a Holocron containing a list of high-level Rebel sympathizers. If that list were to fall into the hands of Darth Vader, the Rebel Alliance would lose its most valued support, and possibly the war itself.

As an Imperial bio-engineer who frequently visits other worlds, Dusque Mistflier is the perfect cover for a Rebel who needs to travel far and wide without arousing suspicion. And so she agrees to help Rebel spy Finn Darktrin in his quest to recover the crucial Holocron. Despite help from Han, Luke, and Leia, the mission is fraught with peril. And as their journey takes them into the fiery belly of the beast that is galactic civil war, Dusque and Finn will learn that the hardest part of all is figuring out whose side are you’re on-and how far you’re willing to go to win….

  • Written By: Voronica Whitney-Robinson and Haden Blackman
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

This was the first novel in the expanded universe.

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Stranded on a jungle planet, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia found themselves desperately racing Imperial Stormtroopers to claim a gem that had mysterious powers over the Force.

Luke Skywalker expected trouble when he volunteered to follow Princess Leia on her mission to Circarpous to enlist their Rebel underground in the battle against the Empire. But the farm boy from Tatooine hadn’t counted on an unscheduled landing in the swamplands of Mimban…hadn’t counted on any of the things they would find on that strange planet.

Hidden on this planet was the Kaiburr crystal, a mysterious gem that would give the one who possessed it such powers over the Force that he would be all but invincible. In the wrong hands, the crystal could be deadly. So Luke had to find this treasure and find it fast.

Accompanied by Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio—his two faithful droids—Luke and the Princess set out for the Temple of Pomojema…and a confrontation deep beneath the surface of an alien world with the most fearsome villain in the galaxy!

  • Written By: Alan Dean Foster
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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Although they had won a significant battle, the war between the Rebels and the Empire had really just begun. Soon, Luke, Han, the princess and their faithful companions were forced to flee, scattering in all directions…the Dark Lord’s minions in fevered pursuit…

  • Written By: Donald F. Glut
  • Published By: Ballantine Books

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

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His name is Xizor, Underlord of a galaxywide criminal organization called Black Sun. He seeks to displace Darth Vader as Emperor Palpatine’s right hand. To do so, he will hatch a brilliantly evil plan to discredit Vader in the Emperor’s eyes. But in the meantime he will join the Dark Lord in an unholy alliance whose common target is the young Rebel hero, Luke Skywalker.

While Vader and Xizor bait their trap for Luke, Han Solo is being held captive, flash-frozen in a carbonite slab. Mourning the loss of the man she loves, Princess Leia mounts a rescue mission to free Han. She enlists the aid of Luke, who is sharpening his skill in the Force at Ben Kenobi’s home on the edge of Tatooine’s Western Dune Sea. Skywalker organizes a crack fighting force, including Wedge Antilles and his famous X-wing squadron; Lando Calrissian; and the mercenary Dash Rendar. Yet the fierce battle that ensues to rescue Han will not go according to plan. For the Empire’s spies are everywhere.

What’s worse, though he is cold and reptilian, Xizor has a certain predatory charisma that not even Leia can totally resist. Against the judgment of Chewbacca, who has promised Han to keep her from harm, Leia walks willingly into Xizor’s lair in a dangerous play of passion and willpower to get the information she needs to defeat him. At the same time, Luke stands in the crosshairs of a conspiracy of assassins and bounty hunters recruited by Xizor’s lieutenant, the beautiful but lethal Human replicant Guri. As the struggle between Xizor and Vader intensifies, Luke finds himself the potential prize of the two most evil entities in the galaxy — one who wants him alive, and one who wants him dead.

In a final, explosive showdown, the Rebels must infiltrate Xizor’s impregnable stronghold and fight the combined forces of Black Sun and the Empire in deep space. With death and betrayal looming on every side, Luke, Leia, Lando, and Chewie must use every weapon and resource at their disposal, including the Rebel fleet and some intriguing new allies, if they are to prove victorious. In Shadows of the Empire, Steve Perry adds an exciting new chapter to the Star Wars saga and introduces important new characters and situations no Star Wars fan will want to miss.

  • Written By: Steve Perry
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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It was a dark time for the Rebel Alliance… Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, had been delivered into the hands of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Determined to rescue him, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Lando Calrissian launched a hazardous mission against Jabba’s Tatooine stronghold.

The Rebel commanders gathered all the warships of the Rebel fleet into a single giant armada. And Darth Vader and the Emperor, who had ordered construction to begin on a new and even more powerful Death Star, were making plans to crush the Rebel Alliance once and for all.

  • Written By: James Kahn

Star Wars: The Truce at Bakura

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  • Written By: Kathy Tyers
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

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Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are dead. The Empire has been toppled by the triumphant Rebel Alliance, and the New Republic is ascendant. But the struggle against the dark side and the Sith order is not over. Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and their faithful comrades have had little time to savor victory before being called on to defend the newly liberated galaxy.

Powerful remnants of the vanquished Empire, hungry for retaliation, are still at large, committing acts of piracy, terrorism, and wholesale slaughter against the worlds of the fledgling Republic. The most deadly of these, a ruthless legion of black-armored stormtroopers, do the brutal bidding of the newly risen warlord Shadowspawn. Striking from a strategically advantageous base at the planet Mindor, they are waging campaigns of plunder and destruction, demolishing order and security across the galaxy—and breeding fears of an Imperial resurgence. And another reign of darkness beneath the boot-heel of Sith despotism is something General Luke Skywalker cannot and will not risk.

Mobilizing the ace fighters of Rogue Squadron—along with the trusty Chewbacca, Threepio, and Artoo-Detoo—Luke, Han, and Leia set out to take the battle to the enemy at the site of its stronghold, and neutralize the threat before it’s too late. But their imminent onslaught against Mindor will be playing directly into the hands of their cunning new adversary. Lord Shadowspawn is no freshly anointed Sith Chieftain, but in fact a vicious former Imperial Intelligence officer—and Prophet of the Dark Side. The Emperor’s death has paved the way for Shadowspawn’s return from exile in the Outer Rim; and mastery of ancient Sith knowledge and modern technology has given him the capability to mount the ultimate power play for galaxy-wide dominion. Dark prophecy has foretold that only one obstacle stands in his way, and he is ready—even eager—for the confrontation.

All the classic heroes, all the explosive action and adventure, all the unparalleled excitement of Star Wars come breathlessly alive here, as the further adventures of Luke Skywalker continue.

  • Written By: Matthew Stover
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: X-Wing: The Krytos Trap

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The Rebels have taken Coruscant, but their problems are far from over. A killer virus called Krytos is wiping out the indigenous population, and a counter-revolution is exploding. At the center of the storm is the highly charged treason trial of Rebel hero Tycho Celchu. While agents provocateurs carry out their acts of terrorism, the fledging state can be defended only by the blood and courage of Rogue Squadron. As the X-wing fighters scramble to save the Rebellion, Corran Horn, given up for dead in Ysanne Isard’s inescapable prison, discovers he alone holds the key to freeing Coruscant from the Empire!

  • Written By: Michael A. Stackpole
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia

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George Lucas brought us the blockbuster Star Wars film trilogy. Then some of science fiction’s best writers expanded the adventure in their bestselling Star Wars novels. Now the tradition continues with the culmination of a love story that spans a war-torn galaxy…

Though Darth Vader and the Emperor are dead, the Empire lives on and a weakened Alliance must find powerful new help if it is to survive. The answer could lie in the Hapes consortium, a cluster of sixty-three high-tech worlds. There is only one catch: Princess Leia must marry the Queen Mother’s son, the dashing and wealthy Prince Isolder.

Han Solo reacts badly to the news. Tricking Leia, he flees with her to the beautiful but untamed planet of Dathomir, where he hopes to change her mind – and win her heart. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Artoo form an unlikely partnership with the jilted prince to track down the runaways. But their mission is only the beginning of an adventure that will lead to the discovery of an awesome treasure, a group of Force-trained “witches,” and a showdown with an invincible foe.

  • Written By: Dave Wolverton
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Tatooine Ghost

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Han and Leia struggle to keep the Empire at bay as stunning revelations from the past threaten to eclipse the future of the New Republic…

The deaths of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine by no means spelled the end of the Empire. In the aftermath, the New Republic has faced a constant struggle to survive. Now a new threat looms: a masterpiece of Alderaanian art—lost after the planet’s destruction—has resurfaced on the black market. It conceals a vital secret—the code used to communicate with New Republic agents undercover within the Empire. Discovery by Imperial forces would spell disaster. The only option is recovery—and Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO have been dispatched to Tatooine to infiltrate the auction.

When a dispute at the auction erupts into violence, the painting vanishes in the chaos. Han and Leia are thrust into a desperate race to reclaim it. As they battle against marauding TIE fighters, encroaching stormtroopers, and Tatooine’s savage Tusken Raiders, Leia’s emotional struggle over the specter of her infamous father culminates in the discovery of an extraordinary link to the past. And as long-buried secrets at last emerge, she faces a moment of reckoning that will forever alter her destiny… and that of the New Republic.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire

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Here is the science fiction publishing event of the year: the exciting continuation of the legendary Star Wars saga. Picking up where the movie trilogy left off, Heir to the Empire reveals the tumultuous events that take place after the most popular series in motion-picture history—masterfully told by Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn.

In spring 1977 a film called Star Wars was released—and a cultural phenomenon was born. Its epic story, about a young man named Luke Skywalker, whose destiny was to save the galaxy from conquest, caught the imaginations of millions and broke all box-office records. Today Star Wars and its sequels, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, are acknowledged as the most popular series in movie history, and rank among the top ten films of all time.

The three Star Wars films form a spectacular saga of bold imaginations and high adventure. But the stories of its characters did not end there. Now for the first time, Lucasfilm Ltd., producer of the Star Wars movies, has authorized the continuation of this beloved story. In an astounding three-book cycle, Timothy Zahn continues the tale of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and the other characters made world famous by Star Wars, as he brilliantly expands upon George Lucas’s stunning vision, “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”

Heir to the Empire begins five years after the end of Return of the Jedi: the Rebel Alliance has destroyed the Death Star, defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, and driven the remnants of the old Imperial Starfleet back into barely a quarter of the territory that they once controlled. Leia and Han are married and have shouldered heavy burdens in the government of the new Republic. And Luke Skywalker is the first in a hoped-for new line of Jedi Knights.

But thousands of light years away, where a few skirmishes are still taking place, the last of the Emperor’s warlords has taken command of the remains of the Imperial fleet. He has made two vital discoveries that could destroy the fragile new Republic—built with such cost to the Rebel Alliance. The tale that emerges is a towering epic of action, invention, mystery, and spectacle on a galactic scale—in short, a story that is worthy of the name Star Wars.

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy: Dark Force Rising

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The number-one New York Times bestselling Heir to the Empire was the publishing event of the year, the first novel to continue the adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo, beyond the events of the most popular trilogy in movie history. Now comes Dark Force Rising, the second volume of a three-book cycle authorized by Lucasfilm Ltd. and written by Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn.

Five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the fragile Republic that was born with the defeat of Darth Vader, the Emperor, and the infamous Death Star stands threatened from within and without. The dying Empire’s most cunning and ruthless warlord—Grand Admiral Thrawn—has taken command of the remnants of the Imperial fleet and launched a massive campaign aimed at the Republic’s destruction. With the aid of unimaginable weapons long hidden away by the Emperor on a backwater planet, Thrawn plans to turn the tide of the battle, overwhelm the New Republic, and impose his iron rule throughout the galaxy.

Meanwhile, dissension and personal ambition threaten to tear the Republic apart. As Princess Leia—pregnant with Jedi twins—risks her life to bring a proud and lethal alien race into alliance with the Republic, Han and Lando Calrissian race against time to find proof of treason inside the highest Republic Council—only to discover instead a ghostly fleet of warships that could bring doom to their friends and victory to their enemies.

But most dangerous of all is a new Dark Jedi, risen from the ashes of a shrouded past, consumed by bitterness…and thoroughly, utterly insane. Now he schemes to use his awesome mastery of the Force to summon young Skywalker, allay his misgivings, cunningly enthrall him, and ultimately corrupt him to the Dark Side.

A tale of brilliant spectacle, startling revelations, and tumultuous action, Dark Force Rising moves with the speed of light across a dazzling epic landscape of galactic proportions, from world to world, from adventure to adventure, as Good and Evil clash across the vastness of space “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.…”

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy: The Last Command

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Heir to the Empire was a number-one New York Times bestseller and the science fiction publishing event of the year. Dark Force Rising continued the gripping new adventures of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and the other heroes of the most popular trilogy in movie history. Now the saga concludes with The Last Command, the climactic volume of a three-book cycle authorized by Lucasfilm Ltd. and written by Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn.

It is five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. The fragile New Republic reels from the attacks of Grand Admiral Thrawn, who has not only rallied the remaining Imperial forces, but has driven the rebels back with an abominable new technology: clone soldiers.

Hopes are dim as Thrawn mounts a final siege against the Republic. While Han and Chewbacca struggle to form a wary alliance of smugglers in a last-ditch attack against the Empire, Leia keeps the Alliance together and prepares for the birth of her Jedi twins. But the Empire has too many ships and too many clones to combat. The Republic’s only hope lies in sending a small force, led by Luke, into the very stronghold that houses Thrawn’s terrible cloning machines.

There a final danger awaits. The Dark Jedi C’baoth schemes in his secret fortress, directing the battle against the rebels, nursing his insanity, and building his strength to finish what he had already started—the destruction of Luke Skywalker.

An odyssey of fast-paced action, stunning revelation, and final confrontation, The Last Command spans a galaxy in flames—a tale that will conclude in this third and last installment as Good and Evil battle “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Jedi Search

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As the war between the Republic and the scattered remnants of the Empire continues, two children—the Jedi twins—will come into their powers in a universe on the brink of vast changes and challenges. In this time of turmoil and discovery, an extraordinary new Star Wars saga begins…

While Luke Skywalker takes the first step toward setting up an academy to train a new order of Jedi Knights, Han Solo and Chewbacca are taken prisoner on the planet Kessel and forced to work in the fathomless depths of a spice mine.

But when Han and Chewie break away, they flee desperately to a secret Imperial research laboratory surrounded by a cluster of black holes—and go from one danger to a far greater one…

On Kessel, Luke picks up the trail of his two friends, only to come face-to-face with a weapon so awesome, it can wipe out an entire solar system. It is a death ship called the Sun Crusher, invented by a reclusive genius and piloted by none other than Han himself…

  • Written By: Kevin J. Anderson
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Dark Apprentice

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As the New Republic takes devastating losses in the ongoing war with the scattered remnants of the Empire, the galaxy’s future depends on three small children–among them the Jedi twins—born to incredible powers and perils, as an extraordinary new Star Wars saga unfolds…

While the New Republic struggles to decide what to do with the deadly Sun Crusher—a new doomsday weapon stolen from the Empire by Han Solo—the renegade Imperial Admiral Daala uses her fleet of Star Destroyers to conduct guerrilla warfare on peaceful planets. And now she threatens the watery homeworld of Admiral Ackbar.

But as the battle for a planet rages, an even greater danger arises at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi academy. A brilliant student delves dangerously into the dark side of the Force and unleashes the spirit of an ancient master of the evil order that warped Darth Vader himself. Working together, they may become an enemy greater than any the New Republic has ever fought… more powerful than even a Jedi Master can face.

  • Written By: Kevin J. Anderson
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy: Champions of the Force

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As the New Republic continues its struggle for survival, a scattered but powerful remnant of the shattered Empire seeks to destroy three precious children—among them Han and Leia’s Jedi twins—who represent the next generation of Jedi Knights, in this third and final novel of the Jedi Academy Trilogy…

Suspended helplessly between life and death, Luke Skywalker lies in a state at the Jedi academy. But on the spirit plane, Luke fights desperately for survival, reaching out physically to the Jedi twins. At the same time, Leia is on a life-and-death mission of her own, racing against Imperial agents hoping to steal a third Jedi child – Leia and Han’s baby Anakin—hidden on the planet Anoth.

Meanwhile, Luke’s former protégé Kyp Durron has piloted the deadly Sun Crusher on an apocalyptic mission of mass destruction, convinced he is fighting for a just cause. Hunting down the rogue warrior, Han must persuade Kyp to renounce his dark crusade and regain his lost honor. To do it, Kyp must take the Sun Crusher on a suicide mission against the awesome Death Star prototype—a battle Han knows they may be unable to win… even with Luke Skywalker at their side!

  • Written By: Kevin J. Anderson
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: I, Jedi

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Corran Horn was an officer in the Corellian Security Force before casting his lot with the New Republic. As the grandson of a legendary Jedi hero, he has latent Force powers that have yet to be developed. But he has managed to distinguish himself with Rogue Squadron, the X-wing fighter force that has become the scourge of the Empire and of the pirates that prey on Republic shipping.

When a new pirate band begins terrorizing the space lanes, Rogue Squadron seems at last to have met its match. Led by an ex-Moff in an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the pirates appear uncannily aware of the squadron’s plans and tactics, and are able to detect and escape even the cleverest ambushes. Either there is a security leak…or the pirates have access to a dark and unnatural power that only a trained Jedi could contend with. Then Corran’s wife, Mirax, vanishes on a covert mission to locate the pirates’ secret base, and Corran vows to find her. He begins Jedi training at the Jedi academy, hoping to develop his untapped powers. But as he grows dissatisfied with Luke Skywalker’s methods, he will break with the academy before his training is finished.

Calling on his Corellian undercover experience, he infiltrates the pirate organization. His plan is daring and dangerous. He will learn what he can, sabotage what he can, and use every means possible to find his wife. And his very survival may depend on a terrible choice—whether or not to surrender to the dark side. I, Jedi brings readers into the startling, dramatic journey of a young man with a wild talent who must somehow master those powers within…or be destroyed by them.

  • Written By: Michael A. Stackpole
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Children of the Jedi

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Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca set out on a mission vital to the survival of the fragile New Republic. They are searching for the long-lost children of the Jedi, a quest that takes them to the once vibrant stronghold of Belsavis—a nearly forgotten frozen world. Leia has heard tales of a Jedi exodus from the dark crypts below the planet’s surface. She has also heard that since the time of the exodus no one entering the crypts has returned alive.

Halfway across the galaxy, Luke Skywalker has undertaken an equally dangerous expedition that, if it fails, could have fatal consequences for Leia, Han, and Chewbacca. Haunted by ominous dreams and guided by a force he cannot identify, Luke journeys to a remote asteroid field over the planet Pzob. There he discovers the automated Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine—from the days of all-out war.

Camouflaged deep within a nebulous gas cloud and dormant for thirty years, Eye of Palpatine is governed by a super-sophisticated artificial intelligence system known as the Will. Taken aboard the Dreadnaught, Luke is counseled by the spirit of Callista, a Jedi Knight who gave her life to stop the ship once before. Now Luke must learn from her how to destroy it once and for all. The Will has awakened. The Eye of Palpatine is on the move. Its mission: the total annihilation of Belsavis.

The mystery of the crypts, the invincible power of the Will, the lost Jedi, and the burgeoning passion between Luke and Callista come together in the stunning climax of Children of the Jedi—the latest chapter in the magnificent Star Wars saga.

  • Written By: Barbara Hambly
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Darksaber

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Acclaimed author of the Jedi Academy trilogy, Kevin J. Anderson, is back with a blockbuster novel, returning to Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine.

Luke returns home with Han Solo, hoping to make contact with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Instead, what they find is disturbing news: the Hutts, criminal warlords of the galaxy, are building a secret superweapon, a reconstruction of the original Death Star superlaser, to be called Darksaber. This planet-crushing power will be in the ruthless hands of Durga, a creature without conscience or mercy. And there is trouble on another front: Admiral Daala is very much alive and, in league with Pellaeon, is marshaling forces to destroy the Rebels. Soon they and Luke will face the ultimate test of their power—one in which all the temptations of the dark side of the Force beckon…

  • Written By: Kevin J. Anderson
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Planet of Twilight

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Nam Chorios is a barren backwater world—once a dreaded prison colony, now home to a fanatic religious cult. It is here that Princess Leia has been taken captive by a ruthless and charismatic warlord bent on destroying the New Republic. Meanwhile, Luke lands on a mysterious planet in search of his lost love, Callista, only to discover the Force is his own worst enemy. But worst of all, as Han, Chewie, and Lando leave Coruscant on a desperate rescue mission, a strange life-form, unlike any the galaxy has ever seen, awakens…a life-form so malevolent it will destroy everything—both Empire and New Republic—on its path to domination.

  • Written By: Barbara Hambly
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Crystal Star

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Princess Leia’s children have been kidnapped. Along with Chewbacca and Artoo-Detoo, she follows the kidnappers’ trail to a disabled refugee ship, from which children are also missing. Here she learns of a powerful Imperial officer with a twisted plan to restore the Empire. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker are cut off from Leia by the death of a nearby star, which has caused a disruption in the Force. They have gone to the planet Crseih to investigate a report of a lost group of Jedi. Instead they find a charismatic alien named Waru whose miraculous healing powers have attracted a fanatic following. As Leia follows the path of her children across space, Luke and Han draw closer to the truth behind Waru’s sinister cult. Together they will face an explosive showdown that will decide the survival of the New Republic…and the universe itself!

  • Written By: Vonda N. McIntyre
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy: Before the Storm

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In the blockbuster bestselling tradition of Heir to the Empire comes this thrilling addition to the Star Wars saga, as peace gives way to a dire new threat…

It is a time of tranquillity for the New Republic. The remnants of the Empire now lie in complete disarray, and the reemergence of the Jedi Knights has brought power and prestige to the fledgling government on Coruscant. Yesterday’s Rebels have become today’s administrators and diplomats, and the factions that fought against Imperial tyranny seem united in savoring the fruits of peace.

But the peace is short-lived. A restless Luke must journey to his mother’s homeworld in a desperate and dangerous quest to find her people. An adventurous Lando must seize a mysterious spacecraft that has weapons of enormous destructive power and an unknown mission. And Leia, a living symbol of the New Republic’s triumph, must face down a ruthless leader of the Duskhan League, an arrogant Yevetha who seems bent on a genocidal war that could shatter the fragile unity of the New Republic…and threaten its very survival.

  • Written By: Michael P. Kube-McDowell
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy: Shield of Lies

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The New Republic’s triumph grows ever more precarious in the face of an arrogant race bent on war, as the bestselling Star Wars saga continues….

As Leia must deal with a new threat to the fragile alliance that binds the New Republic, Lando becomes a prisoner aboard a runaway spacecraft of unknown origin. The ship is following an unstoppable path to its homeworld, destroyed by Imperial forces. Luke continues his quest to learn more about his mother among the Fallanassi, where his every belief about the use of the Force is about to be challenged. And while Leia ponders a diplomatic solution to the aggression of the fierce Yevetha race, Han pilots a spy ship into the heart of Yevethan space and faces a vast fleet of warships under the command of a ruthless leader—a fleet more than a match for the New Republic’s forces…

  • Written By: Michael P. Kube-McDowell
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis Trilogy: Tyrant’s Test

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In the wake of a shattered alliance, the New Republic fights a relentless new enemy in an all-new adventure in the bestselling Star Wars saga…

Faced with an alarming image of Han as a battered hostage of the Yevetha, Chewbacca takes on an urgent mission. Meanwhile, Leia calls upon the Senate to take a stand and eliminate the Yevetha threat—even at the cost of Han’s life. As a former Imperial governor takes his battle to the runaway Qella spaceship, Luke’s continuing search for his mother brings him dangerously close to Nil Spaar’s deadly forces. And as the Yevetha close in on the forces of the New Republic, Luke takes a desperate gamble with an invisible weapon…

  • Written By: Michael P. Kube-McDowell
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The New Rebellion

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Somewhere in the galaxy, millions suddenly perish—a disruption of the Force so shocking it is felt by Luke at his Jedi academy and by Leia on Coruscant. While Leia must deal with an assassination attempt, a rumored plot against the New Republic, and allegations that Han Solo is involved, Luke seeks out a former Jedi student who may hold the key to the mass destruction. But Brakiss is only the bait in a deadly trap set by a master of the dark side who is determined to rule as emperor. He’s targeted Luke, Leia, and Leia’s Jedi children to die. Then billions will follow, in a holocaust unequaled in galactic history.

  • Written By: Kristine Katheryn Rusch
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Corellian Trilogy: Ambush at Corellia

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A trade summit on Corellia brings Han Solo back to the home world he left many years before. Arriving on the distant planet with Leia, their children, and Chewbacca, Han finds Corellia overrun with agents of the New Republic Intelligence and finds himself part of a deceptive plan whose aim not even he understands. One thing is clear: the five inhabited worlds of the sector are on the brink of civil war and the once peaceful coexistence of the three leading races—Human, Selonian and Drallan—has come to an end.

Suddenly all that Han, Leia, and others of the Alliance have fought for is threatened. As jammerships block all communication with Luke Skywalker and the outside universe, Han and Leia find themselves trapped on a world about to explode in violence unless they can meet a fanatical Rebel leader’s impossible demands…

  • Written By: Roger MacBride Allen
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Corellian Trilogy: Assault at Selonia

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Imprisoned on the planet Corellia, Han Solo finds himself at the mercy of his evil cousin, Thrackan Sal-Solo. Thracken plans to restore the Imperial system and seize total power—no matter what the cost. Han has one chance to stop him. But to do so he must turn his back on his Human cousin and join forces with a female alien. Dracmus was arrested as a ringleader in a plot against the corrupt Human League. Now she and Han will attempt a daring escape to Selonia in time to warn Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Lando of Thracken’s plan. But can Han trust the alien to keep her word?

Meanwhile, other questions threaten the New Republic—and the lives of millions. Who is behind the deadly Starbuster plot? Why is someone attempting to take possession of Corellia’s powerful planetary repulsors? And what is the secret behind the mysterious Centerpoint Station, an ancient, artificial world of unknown origin that has suddenly—and inexplicably—come alive?

  • Written By: Roger MacBride Allen
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Corellian Trilogy: Showdown at Centerpoint

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When a loyalist ship approaching Selonia is blasted out of space, Han Solo quickly realizes that rebel forces are turning planetary repulsors into weapons of immense destruction. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian manage to discover the terrifying secret of Centerpoint Station. It is the infamous Starbuster itself, and its next programmed nova, hard-wired in, is set to annihilate a chosen star, its inhabited worlds, and millions of innocent lives. There’s only one way to stop it: blow up the station. But as a massive rebel fleet closes in on Centerpoint, Han, Luke and their friends will discover time is running out.

Then the true leaders of the rebellion reveal their identities, and issue their final ultimatum: The New Republic must withdraw all claim to power over the entire Corellian sector. With the future of Corellian freedom at stake, Han and those loyal to the Republic must somehow resist. But how can they possibly stop the deadliest weapon the galaxy has ever known?

  • Written By: Roger MacBride Allen
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology: Specter of the Past

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From Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn, whose unprecedented bestselling trilogy continued the saga of George Lucas’ blockbuster films and became a landmark in the history of science fiction publishing, comes Specter of the Past, the first in the epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn. Now Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo must battle to safeguard the fledgling New Republic from a dead Imperial warlord—and from itself.

Once the unquestioned master of countless solar systems, the Empire is tottering on the brink of total collapse. Once commanding an invincible armada of Star Destroyers, its fleet has been reduced to a skeleton force. Day by day, neutral systems are rushing to join the New Republic coalition. But with the end of the war in sight, the New Republic has fallen victim to its own success. An unwieldy alliance of races and traditions, the confederation now finds itself riven by age-old animosities.

Princess Leia struggles against all odds to hold the New Republic together. But she has powerful enemies. An ambitious Moff Disra leads a conspiracy to divide the uneasy coalition with an ingenious plot to blame the Bothans for a heinous crime that could lead to genocide and civil war. At the same time, Luke Skywalker, along with Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde, pursues a mysterious group of pirate ships whose crews consist of clones. And then comes the most startling news of all: Grand Admiral Thrawn—believed to be dead for ten years—is reported alive. The most cunning and ruthless warlord in Imperial history has seemingly returned to lead the Empire to triumph.

As Han and Leia try to prevent the unraveling of the New Republic in the face of this fearful and inexplicable threat from the past, Luke sets out to track down the rogue pirate ships. To do so, he will team up with Mara Jade, with whom he will share his growing mastery of the Force and the ever-present threat of the dark side. All the while, lurking in the shadows is the enigmatic Major Tierce, a disciple of Emperor Palpatine, sharing his long-dead master’s lust for power, schooled in the devious stratagems of Thrawn himself, and armed with his own dark plans for the New Republic and the Empire.

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn Duology: Vision of the Future

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Vision of the Future is the second book in the epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn from Timothy Zahn, the bestselling, Hugo award-winning author of the original landmark trilogy based on George Lucas’s legendary Star Wars films. Now the story begun in Specter of the Past comes to an explosive conclusion as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo are thrust into the middle of an impending civil war—and discover the shocking truth behind the rumored resurrection of the dead Admiral Thrawn.

For a beleaguered Empire, desperate times call for desperate measures. Sowing discord among the fragile coalition of the New Republic, remnants of the once powerful Empire make one last play for victory. Having implicated the Bothans in the genocide of the Caamas, they now plan an attack on Han and Leia that is also blamed on the Bothans. If they are successful, the New Republic will be torn asunder. To prevent inevitable disaster, Luke, Leia, Han, and their friends must prove the Bothans innocent and reveal the Empire’s treachery. But time is running out. The cunning Major Tierce has joined with the ambitious Moff Disra in the Empire’s master plan. At its heart lies the most elaborate con of all: the rumor that the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn, long believed dead, has returned to lead the Empire to a prophesied triumph. The news of Thrawn’s return is already rallying Imperial forces against the New Republic.

As Leia travels to a secret rendezvous with an Imperial commander who claims to want peace, Han and Lando Calrissian journey into enemy territory to learn the truth of Caamas’s destruction. Meanwhile, Luke and Mara Jade infiltrate a hidden fortress where Thrawn’s most fanatical followers await his call to arms. And Talon Karrde returns to his underworld past and a brutal crime lord whose knowledge may save the Republic. But it is the truth about Thrawn that is most important. In his hands—alive or dead—rests the fate of the New Republic.

  • Written by: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Bantam Spectra

Star Wars: Survivor’s Quest

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A dangerous mission to salvage a piece of Jedi past threatens to make Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker history…

Sometimes it seems a Jedi’s work is never done, and Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker know this only too well. Despite the bond they share in the Force, after three years of marriage the Jedi Master and his wife are still learning the ropes of being a couple—and struggling to find time together between the constant demands of duty. But all that will change when they’re united on an unexpected mission—and must pool their exceptional skills to combat an insidious enemy…and salvage a part of Jedi history.

It begins with a message from a surprising source: Nirauan, the planet where Thrawn, dangerous disciple of Emperor Palpatine, once held sway…and from which Luke and Mara barely escaped with their lives. The message itself is shocking. After fifty years, the remains of Outbound Flight—a pioneering Jedi expedition viciously destroyed by Thrawn—have been found on Nirauan. Now, the fiercely honor-bound aliens who reside there wish to turn over the remnants of the doomed mission to the New Republic. Accepting the gesture will mean a long voyage into the treacherous cluster of stars where the thousands of souls aboard the Outbound Flight vessel met their grim fate. But it may also mean something more…something that has stirred an inexplicable sense of foreboding in Mara.

Whatever may await, the Skywalkers will not face it alone. Joining them on the strange and solemn journey are an officer of the post-Palpatine Empire, escorted by a detachment of Imperial stormtroopers; a party of diplomats from a gentle alien species that reveres the fallen Jedi for saving them from bloodthirsty conquerors; and a New Republic ambassador who harbors his own mysterious agenda.

Soon enough, suspicion, secrecy, and an unknown saboteur run rampant aboard the isolated ship. But it is within the derelict walls of Outbound Flight itself, buried for half a century on a desolate planetoid, where the gravest danger lies. As the marooned hulk yields up stunning revelations and unexpected terrors to its visitors, Luke and Mara find all they stand for—and their very existence—brutally challenged. And the ultimate test will be surviving the deathtrap carefully laid by foes who are legendary for their ruthlessness…and determined to complete the job Thrawn began: exterminating the Jedi.

  • Written By: Timothy Zahn
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime

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With the exciting arrival of The New Jedi Order series, the next era of Star Wars history is about to begin. Here, fantasy and science fiction’s most acclaimed authors propel the legendary epic into the next millenium , introducing us to a rich cast of characters that features old favorites—Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa Solo—along with the next generation of Jedi and never-before-seen creatures, droids, and deadly agents of darkness. In Vector Prime, the launch novel for this thrilling new saga, New York Times bestselling author R. A. Salvatore takes the Star Wars universe to previously unscaled heights of action and imagination, expanding the beloved story of a galaxy far, far away…

Twenty-one years have passed since the heroes of the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star, breaking the power of the Emperor. Since then, the New Republic has valiantly struggled to maintain peace and prosperity among the peoples of the galaxy. But unrest has begun to spread; tensions erupt in outbreaks of rebellion that, if unchecked, threaten to destroy the Republic’s tenuous reign.

Into this volatile atmosphere comes Nom Anor, a charismatic firebrand who heats passions to the boiling point, sowing seeds of dissent for his own dark motives. In an effort to avert a catastrophic civil war, Leia travels with her daughter Jaina, her sister-in-law Mara Jade, and the loyal protocol droid C-3PO, to conduct face-to-face diplomatic negotiations with Nom Anor. But he proves resistant to Leia’s entreaties—and, far more inexplicably, within the Force, where a being should be, was…blank space.

Meanwhile, Luke is plagued by reports of rogue Jedi Knights who are taking the law into their own hands. And so he wrestles with a dilemma: Should he attempt, in this climate of mistrust, to reestablish the legendary Jedi Council?

As the Jedi and the Republic focus on internal struggles, a new threat surfaces, unnoticed, beyond the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim. An enemy appears from outside known space, bearing weapons and technology unlike anything New Republic scientists have ever seen. Suddenly Luke, Mara, Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca—along with the Solo children—are thrust again into battle, to defend the freedom so many have fought and died for. But this time, all their courage, sacrifice, and even the power of the Force itself may not be enough…

  • Written By: R. A. Salvatore
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught

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With unsurpassed action and imagination, New York Times bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole continues The New Jedi Order with DARK TIDE I: ONSLAUGHT, testing the heroes of the past along with the next generation of Jedi against fearsome enemies from beyond the galactic rim.…

It is a perilous time for the New Republic. Just when unity is needed most, mistrust is on the rise. Even the Jedi feel the strain, as rogue elements rebel against Luke Skywalker’s leadership. When alien invaders known as the Yuuzhan Vong strike without warning, the New Republic is thrown on the defensive.

Luke must wield all the awesome powers of a Jedi Master to defeat the gravest threat since Emperor Palpatine. As Leia Organa Solo and Gavin Darklighter lead desperate refugees in a fighting retreat from Yuuzhan Vong forces, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jedi apprentices Jacen and Anakin Solo, and Jedi Knight Corran Horn find themselves tested as never before by a faceless, implacable foe determined to smother the light of the New Republic forever beneath a shroud of darkest evil…

  • Written By: Michael A. Stackpole
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide II: Ruin

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New York Times bestselling author Michael A. Stackpole continues The New Jedi Order with DARK TIDE II: RUIN, a thrilling Star Wars adventure in which the Jedi Knights must fight their most treacherous battle—against an unrelenting evil intent on devouring the galaxy.…

The alien Yuuzhan Vong have launched an attack on the worlds of the Outer Rim. They are merciless, without regard for life—and they stand utterly outside the Force. Their ever-changing tactics stump the New Republic military. Even the Jedi, once the greatest guardians of peace in the galaxy, are rendered helpless by this impervious foe—and their solidarity has begun to unravel.

While Luke struggles to keep the Jedi together, Knights Jacen Solo and Corran Horn set off on a reconnaissance mission to the planet Garqi, an occupied world. There, at last, they uncover a secret that might be used to undermine the enemy—if only they can stay alive long enough to use it!

  • Written By: Michael A. Stackpole
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero’s Trial

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Merciless attacks by an invincible alien force have left the New Republic reeling. Dozens of worlds have succumbed to occupation or annihilation, and even the Jedi Knights have tasted defeat. In these darkest of times, the noble Chewbacca is laid to rest, having died as heroically as he lived—and a grief-stricken Han Solo is left to fit the pieces of his shattered life back together before he loses everything: friends, family, and faith.

Refusing help from Leia or Luke, Han becomes the loner he once was, seeking to escape the pain of his partner’s death in adventure…and revenge. When he learns that an old friend from his smuggling days is operating as a mercenary for the enemy, he sets out to expose the traitor. But Han’s investigation uncovers an even greater evil: a sinister conspiracy aimed at the very heart of the New Republic’s will and ability to fight—the Jedi.

Now Han must face down his inner demons and, with the help of a new and unexpected ally, honor Chewbacca’s sacrifice in the only way that matters—by being worthy of it.

  • Written By: James Luceno
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse

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A string of smashing victories by the forces of the sinister aliens known as the Yuuzhan Vong has left New Republic resources and morale stretched to the breaking point. Leia Organa Solo, estranged from her husband, Han, oversees the evacuation of refugees on planets in the path of the merciless invaders. Luke Skywalker struggles to hold the fractious Jedi Knights together, even while one of them undertakes a bold but reckless undercover mission.

Manipulating their alliance with the amoral Hutts, the Yuuzhan Vong leave a cunning trail of vital information where New Republic agents are sure to find it—information the desperate defenders cannot afford to ignore: the location of the aliens’ next target.

Then Han Solo stumbles into the dark heart of a raging battle, thus beginning a furious race against time that will require every skill and trick in his arsenal to win…

  • Written By: James Luceno
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Balance Point

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There is no place to channel the flood of refugees fleeing the murderous Yuuzhan Vong but the overcrowded planet Duro, poisoned by centuries of technological excess. Fortunately a deal is struck: In exchange for a new home, the refugees will work to restore the planet to health, under the watchful eye of Leia Organa Solo.

While tempers flare between the Duros and the New Republic, Han Solo, his son, Jacen and the Ryn called Droma arrive to keep the peace. They are unaware that Leia is on Duro…and that Luke, Mara and Anakin are on their way, searching for a missing Jedi apprentice. And none realize that the Yuuzhan Vong have chosen this embattled planet as the next target in their brutal coreward thrust.

Now, as the fragile stability on Duro threatens to collapse into violence, Jacen Solo must face his greatest dilemma: At what point does the use of power become aggression? Whatever he decides, his next step could tip the galaxy destiny toward the light or toward darkness—with the life of someone he loves hanging in the balance…

  • Written By: Kathy Tyers
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Recovery

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As the forces of darkness threaten to engulf the galaxy, one last defiant spark remains…. Though the Yuuzhan Vong were victorious in their savage conquest of the planet Duro, they failed to extract sensitive information from Leia Organa Solo, who now barely clings to life after enduring the enemies’ torture. Unless she receives medical attention soon, the badly wounded Princess and former head of the New Republic will surely die. Pursued by bounty hunters, Han Solo begins a race against time, only to find his urgent pleas for help rejected by planet after planet, as the Jedi are blamed for the continuing fight against the seemingly invincible aliens. Desperate, the Solos decide on a suicide mission. They must reach Coruscant, the New Republic’s strife-ridden capital where traitors, appeasers, and assassins now share the same goal as the fierce Yuuzhan Vong: kill all Jedi…

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest

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No longer content with the destruction the Yuuzhan Vong have already sown, Warmaster Tsavong Lah has demanded the heads of all the Jedi. Now the Jedi Knights are in terrible danger—and none more so than the young students at the Jedi academy on Yavin 4. Already the sympathizers known as the Peace Brigade are in the Yavin system—and a Yuuzhan Vong fleet is not far behind.

At Luke Skywalker’s request, Talon Karrde mounts an expedition to rescue the young students. Anakin Solo has his own ideas. Impatient, and figuring that forgiveness is easier to come by than permission, he takes off for Yavin 4 in his X-wing.

When it comes to confidence, courage, and raw Force talent, Anakin has few peers. But when his friend Tahiri is separated from the other academy kids and captured by the Yuuzhan Vong, even Anakin may be in over his head. For the aliens have a different future in mind for Tahiri, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their horrific ends…

  • Written By: Greg Keyes
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth

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The brutal Yuuzhan Vong are scouring the universe for Jedi to slaughter. With no help from the divided New Republic, the Jedi stand alone against their seemingly invincible foe. Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo risk deadly consequences with their controversial tactics to bolster the Jedi resistance. After uncovering a new Yuuzhan Vong menace, Anakin and Tahiri find themselves wanted for murder by the Peace Brigade. To avoid capture, they jump into hyperspace… and into trouble far graver.

Hunted by the Yuuzhan Vong, wanted as criminals by the New Republic, and with unrest stirring within their own ranks, the Jedi find peril everywhere they turn. But even in the midst of despair, while the most fiercest battle of all looms on the horizon, hope arises with the birth of one very special child…

  • Written By: Gregg Keyes
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Star by Star

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The New York Times bestselling Star Wars series The New Jedi Order enthralls readers with its epic drama and thrilling adventure. Now readers will pierce the very heart of darkness, as those fascinating figures in that galaxy far, far away—Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, as well as their children—spring to vivid life to battle their deadliest adversaries.

It is a solemn time for the New Republic, as the merciless Yuuzhan Vong continue their ruthless campaign of terror and destruction. The brutal enemy has unleashed a savage creature capable of finding—and killing—Jedi Knights. And now Leia Organa Solo faces a terrible ultimatum from the mighty alien foe determines to conquer the galaxy. If the location of the secret Jedi base is not revealed within one week, the Yuuzhan Vong will blast millions of refugee ships into oblivion.

As the battered but still unbroken Jedi scramble to deal with the newest onslaught, Leia’s son Anakin lays out a daring plan. A Jedi strike force will allow itself to be “captured” by the Yuuzhan Vong and taken to their stronghold in the realm of darkness, where the Jedi will sabotage the evil empire’s deadliest weapons. The leaders of the force are the three Solo siblings. The risks are tremendous. Can the Jedi fight a ruthless enemy without becoming ruthless themselves and falling victim to the dark side?

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Dark Journey

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The New Jedi Order continues as Jaina Solo struggles with anger and despair after the Jedi Knights’ harrowing adventure behind enemy lines.

Though the Jedi strike force completed its deadly mission into Yuuzhan Vong territory, the price of success was tragedy: not everyone made it out alive. In a daring getaway, hotshot pilot Jaina Solo stole an enemy ship, taking along her fellow survivors—and leaving behind a huge piece of her heart.

With the enemy in hot pursuit, Jaina is forced to seek haven in the unprotected, unfriendly Hapes Cluster, where the Jedi are held responsible for a past tragedy—and where the royal family has grim plans for their famous Jedi guest. Even more sinister are the intentions of the Yuuzhan Vong, desperate to capture Jaina for a hideous sacrifice.

Grief-stricken and obsessed with revenge, Jaina is blind to these threats—and to the overpowering evil dangerously close to consuming her. In the coming conflagration, Jaina will be fighting not for victory or vengeance, but for her very being…

  • Written By: Elaine Cunningham
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream

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As the Yuuzhan Vong’s devastating conquests continue unchecked, Luke Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo, and Wedge Antilles are forced to destroy what they have risked their lives to create…

Scattering after the Yuuzhan Vong’s invasion of Coruscant, the panic-stricken members of the New Republic Advisory Council pause just long enough to set up a mock defense on nearby Borleias—an attempt to buy time that fools no one, least of all the Jedi.

Leia and Han Solo travel from world to world to foment rebellion against the New Republic’s disastrous appeasement policies. But Luke Skywalker has chosen the most dangerous assignment of all: to sneak into the Yuuzhan Vong’s stronghold on Coruscant. His outrageous scheme to gain entry is either brilliant or suicidal, depending on the outcome. Bearing down swiftly on Borleias is a Yuuzhan Vong invasion fleet, determined to destroy the galaxy’s remaining defenders…

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand

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Not since Emperor Palpatine have the Jedi battled such monstrous evil. Unless they succeed against staggering odds, the galaxy is doomed.

Luke Skywalker’s daring mission to halt the Yuuzhan Vong’s nefarious plot to overthrow the New Republic is struggling on all fronts. And time is slipping away for Han and Leia Organa Solo, trapped on a small planet whose rulers are about to yield to Yuuzhan Vong pressure to give up the Jedi rebels.

On Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker have made a shocking discovery that is preventing the Yuuzhan Vong from exerting complete control. But when the enemy tracks them down, Luke and Mara are thrust into a firece battle for their lives. Suddenly, the chances of escaping appear nearly impossible. And in space, another battle rages, one that holds ominous consequences for the New Republic—and for the Jedi themselves…

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Destiny’s Way

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The time of reckoning is close at hand, as the heroes of the New Republic prepare for their most volatile clash yet with the enemy—from without and within….

In the war against the ruthless Yuuzhan Vong, the fall of Coruscant leaves the galaxy on the verge of bowing to conquest. Those who steadfastly refuse to surrender—Luke, Han, Leia, and their children and comrades-in-arms—are determined to seize victory against overwhelming odds. But the New Republic is crumbling, divided by internal strife, and intrigue runs rampant: in the heated political race for Chief of State…in the shadows where Yuuzhan Vong spies plot assassinations…and in the inscrutable creature Vergere, a Jedi whose allegiance is impossible to predict.

Now, as Luke Skywalker sets about reestablishing the Jedi Council, the growing faction opposed to the ways of the Force unveils a terrifying weapon designed to annihilate the Yuuzhan Vong species. The opposition must be stopped, before dooming the New Republic to becoming the very thing it has sworn to fight against—and unleashing the power of the dark side.

  • Written By: Walter Jon Williams
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant

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As the bloodied and weary galaxy faces battle once more, the Jedi take on the formidable task of bringing the last of the Empire into the light…

From the ashes of the New Republic—torn to shreds by the savage Yuuzhan Vong forces—the newly formed Galactic Alliance has risen, determined to bring peace to the entire galaxy. But first the Yuuzhan Vong must be contained once and for all. And so Luke Skywalker seeks a world long lost to legend: Zonama Sekot, a sentient planet believed to have repelled an invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong decades ago. Deciphering the enigmatic secrets of Zonama Sekot just might turn the tides of this relentless war.

Aboard the Jade Shadow, Luke, his wife Mara, Jacen Solo, and other Jedi head off into the Unknown Regions, where rumors and clues suggest Zonama Sekot might be found. Yet the mission has barely begun when the searchers stumble into a horrific battle. The Imperial Remnant, in retreat from the mighty Yuuzhan Vong, is about to be destroyed. It would seem those aboard the Jade Shadow have little choice but to leave the Empire to its fate. But these are no ordinary space travelers, they are Jedi…

  • Written By: Shane Dix and Sean Williams
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee

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Swift and deadly, the Yuuzhan Vong have blasted their way across the galaxy—and now stand on the threshold of total victory. Yet a courageous few still dare to oppose them…

Rife with hostile cultures and outright enemies, the Unknown Regions hold many perils for Luke Skywalker and the Jedi searching for Zonama Sekot, the living planet that may hold the key to dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong once and for all.

Meanwhile, on the edge of the galaxy and in the heart of a trusted ally, old enemies are stirring. The Yuuzhan Vong have inflamed long-forgotten vendettas that are even now building up to crisis point. And as Han and Leia journey on their quest to knit the unraveling galaxy back together, betrayal and deception await them…

  • Written By: Shane Dix and Sean Williams
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion

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The Jedi move one step closer to saving the embattled galaxy—only to confront a formidable wall of resistance…

The harrowing search for Zonama Sekot is finally over for Luke Skywalker, Jacen Solo, and the others aboard the Jade Shadow. But joy turns to alarm when the living planet sends a defiant message: it refuses to follow them back to a galaxy full of war, exploitation, and misery.

While Luke works feverishly to persuade the elusive planet to reconsider, the Yuuzhan Vong launch a full-scale attack aimed at the heart of the new alliance. Sent to defend a major communications base, Han and Leia find themselves hopelessly outnumbered. Reinforcements are just too far away to help before everything is destroyed. So the courageous pair must now fight an unrelenting battle against staggering odds. Whether they actually survive is another matter…

  • Written By: Shane Dix and Sean Williams
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy

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As a beleaguered galaxy fights its way back from the brink of destruction, the Jedi’s most fearsome enemy plots to end the war—and claim victory—with a final act of domination….

The troubles for the embattled living planet Zonama Sekot have just begun. As Luke Skywalker and Jacen Solo negotiate its place in the galactic struggle against the Yuuzhan Vong, one of its organic ships is taken by the alien invaders. Scientist Nen Yim is ordered to use the captive to find weak spots in Zonama Sekot’s technology. But what Nen Yim discovers about the planet and its mysteries shocks her to the core. Clearly her people have gone terribly astray. For the peace-loving planet harbors not only the key to its own destruction, but the long-forgotten secrets of the Yuuzhan Vong themselves.

Meanwhile, General Wedge Antilles, commanding one fleet in a three-pronged campaign to retake the Bilbringi system, is suddenly stranded deep in Yuuzhan Vong space, cut off from all contact. Wedge and his ships must rely on trickery and brilliant battle tactics if they are to survive long enough to ensure the success of one of the deadliest and most crucial missions the Galactic Alliance forces have ever seen….

  • Written By: Gregory Keyes
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force

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The Galactic Alliance’s hard-won success in combating the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong has proven all too brief—and the tide has turned again to the invader’s advantage. The Yuuzhan Vong, having overcome the strategies of the Jedi and their allies, have pushed deeper into the galaxy and conquered more worlds. Coruscant has been remade into the capital of the extragalactic aliens and renamed Yuuzhan’tar. The remaining defenders of the galaxy are struggling to form a united front. Luke, Mara and Jacen are missing in action. Clearly the stage is set for endgame.

While Han and Leia receive the horrifying news that hundreds of high-ranking Alliance prisoners face death in a sacrifice to the alien invader’s bloodthirsty gods, Luke and his team try to persuade Zonama Sekot to help in the war effort. Yet as they speak, the Alliance capital world Mon Calamari is under attack.

At the same time, the Jedi’s alliances throughout the galaxy are being tested and the chances of an Alliance victory are being jeopardized by rogue factions determined to deploy the lethal Alpha Red that will exterminate the entire Yuuzhan Vong species. Also among the Yuuzhan Vong, there is a threat of revolt by the oppressed lower classes of their society. Oppressed Shamed Ones and high-ranking officials alike fear that their Supreme Overlord Shimrra’s actions will provoke the wrath of their gods. Ultimately, for both opposing forces, too much has been sacrificed and too much is at stake. And now, the final battle between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Alliance.

  • Written By: James Luceno
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Dark Nest I: The Joiner King

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After triumphing in Star Wars: The Unifying Force, the heroes of the New Jedi Order return in a dazzling new adventure!

Luke Skywalker is worried: A handful of Jedi Knights, including his nephew and niece, Jaina and Jacen Solo, have disappeared into the Unknown Regions in response to a strange cry for help that only they could hear. Now the alien Chiss have angrily lodged a formal complaint, accusing the missing Jedi of meddling in a border dispute between the Chiss and an unidentified aggressor.

Luke has no choice but to head to the Unknown Regions for serious damage control. Han and Leia follow, intent on protecting their children from what could be grave danger. But none of them are prepared for what they find when they reach their destination.

A colony of mysterious aliens is expanding toward the edge of Chiss space. The leader of the alien nest is resolute. Adept in the Force, he is drawing old friends to his side, compelling them to join the colony and meld their Force-abilities with his, even if it leads to all-out war…

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen

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The epic Star Wars odyssey enters a new frontier as the heroes of the New Jedi Order confront a monstrous evil-insidious, unseen, and insatiable….

Though the insectoid Killiks have been given new worlds, they have not found peace yet. Their new colonies are under attack from a mysterious foe and the furious Killiks blame the Jedi. Racing back to the Unknown Regions to investigate, the Skywalkers and Solos discover a threat more familiar and terrifying than they had ever expected. Worse, the Dark Nest wants to kill Mara Jade. Will Jacen’s apocalyptic vision create yet another galactic war or prevent one? Most mysterious and deadly of all, the Killiks are hiding a deadly secret.

To find out, Luke, Mara, Han and Leia must embark on a perilous journey into the unknown void between right and wrong. For a strange yet devastating dispute is about to explode into chaos, pitting Jedi against each other and threatening the galaxy itself.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Dark Nest III: The Swarm War

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In the explosive conclusion to the Dark Nest trilogy, Luke Skywalker summons the heroes of the New Jedi Order from near and far as the Star Wars galaxy teeters on the edge of eternal war. Yet even the combined powers of the formidable Jedi may not be enough to vanquish the deadly perils confronting them.

Luke Skywalker summons Jedi Knights from all over the galaxy as war starts. Yet even the combined might of the Jedi Order may not be enough against the deadly perils confronting them.

The Chiss-Killik border confrontration is threatening to engulf the entire galaxy in yet another galactic war. The Killik have planned to absorb all living creatures into a single hive mind. The only hope for peace lies in the hands of the Jedi, who must not only end the war between the Chiss and the Killik but also confront the new threat of the Dark Nest and its unseen queen.

Leia’s Jedi skills will be put to the test in the coming conflict, while Luke will have to prove in a brilliant display of Force strength and swordplay, that he is the most powerful Jedi Master in the galaxy.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal

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This is the era of Luke Skywalker’s legacy; the Jedi Master has unified the order into a cohesive group of powerful Jedi Knights. But as the new era begins, planetary interests threaten to disrupt this time of relative peace, and Luke is plagued with visions of an approaching darkness. Evil is rising again—out of the best intentions—and it looks as if the legacy of the Skywalkers may come full circle. Honor and duty will collide with friendship and blood ties as the Skywalker and Solo clans find themselves on opposing sides of an explosive conflict with potentially devastating repercussions for both families, for the Jedi order and for the entire galaxy.

When a mission to uncover an illegal missile factory on the planet Adumar ends in a violent ambush—from which Jedi Knight Jacen Solo and his protégé and cousin, Ben Skywalker, narrowly escape with their lives—it’s the most alarming evidence yet that sparks of political unrest are threatening to ignite into total rebellion. The governments of numerous worlds are chafing under the strict regulations of the Galactic Alliance, and diplomatic efforts to enforce compliance are failing. Fearing the worst, the Alliance readies a preemptive display of military might in a bid to bring the rogue worlds to heel before an uprising erupts. The designated target of this exercise: planet Corellia—renowned for the brash independence and renegade spirit that have made its favorite son, Han Solo, a legend.

Something of a rogue himself, Jacen is nevertheless duty bound as a Jedi to stand with his uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, on the side of the Galactic Alliance. But when the wary Corellians launch a counterstrike, the Alliance’s show of force—and a secret mission to disable Corellia’s crucial Centerpoint Station—give way to an armed skirmish. Once the smoke clears, the battle lines are drawn. Now the specter of full scale war looms between a growing cadre of defiant planets and the Galactic Alliance that some fear is becoming a new Empire. And even as both sides struggle to find a diplomatic solution mysterious acts of treachery and sabotage threaten peace efforts at every turn.

Determined to root out those behind the mayhem, Jacen follows a trail of cryptic clues to a dark rendezvous with the most shocking of revelations—while Luke grapples with something even more troubling: dream visions of a shadowy figure whose Force power and ruthlessness remind him of Darth Vader—a lethal enemy who strikes like a dark spirit on a mission of doom. An agent of evil who, if Luke’s visions come to pass, will bring untold pain to the Jedi Master—and to the entire galaxy.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines

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A new era of exciting adventures and shocking revelations continues to unfold, as the legendary Star Wars saga sweeps forward into astonishing new territory.

Civil war looms as the fledgling Galactic Alliance confronts a growing number of rebellious worlds-and the approaching war is tearing the Skywalker and Solo families apart. Han and Leia return to Han’s homeworld, Corellia, the heart of the resistance. Their children, Jacen and Jaina, are soldiers in the Galactic Alliance’s campaign to crush the insurgents.

Jacen, now a complete master of the Force, has his own plans to bring order to the galaxy. Guided by his Sith mentor, Lumiya, and with Luke’s young son Ben at his side, Jacen embarks on the same path that his grandfather Darth Vader once did. And while Han and Leia watch their only son become a stranger, a secret assassin entangles the couple with a dreaded name from Han’s past: Boba Fett. In the new galactic order, friends and enemies are no longer what they seem.…

  • Written By: Karen Traviss
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Tempest

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Forty years after the Battle of Yavin a dangerous new era in the Star Wars epic begins–the revelations are shocking, the stakes desperate, and the enemy everywhere.

As civil war threatens the unity of the Galactic Alliance, Han and Leia Solo have enraged their families and the Jedi by joining the Corellian insurgents. But the Solos draw the line when they discover the Corellian’s plot to make the Hapes Consortium an ally – which rests upon Hapan nobles murdering their pro-Alliance queen and her daughter.

Yet the Solos’ selfless determination to save the queen cannot dispel the inescapable consequences of their actions that will pit mother against son and brother against sister in the battles ahead. For as Jacen Solo’s dark powers grow stronger under Dark Lady Lumiya, and his influence over Ben Skywalker becomes more insidious, Luke’s concern for his nephew forces him into a life-and-death struggle against his fiercest foe, and Han and Leia Solo find themselves at the mercy of their deadliest enemy. . . their son.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Exile

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In the Stars Wars galaxy, evil is on the move as the Galactic Alliance and Jedi order battle forces seen and unseen, from rampant internal treachery to the nightmare of all-out war.

With each victory against the Corellian rebels, Jacen Solo becomes more admired, more powerful, and more certain of achieving galactic peace. But that peace may come with a price. Despite strained relationships caused by opposing sympathies in the war, Han and Leia Solo and Luke and Mara Skywalker remain united by one frightening suspicion: someone insidious is manipulating this war, and if he or she isn’t stopped, all efforts at reconciliation may be for naught. And as sinister visions lead Luke to believe that the source of the evil is none other than Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith, the greatest peril revolves around Jacen himself.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice

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Civil war rages as the Galactic Alliance—led by Cal Omas and the Jedi forces of Luke Skywalker—battles a confederation of breakaway planets that rally to the side of rebellious Corellia. Suspected of involvement in an assassination plot against Queen Mother Tenel Ka of the Hapes Consortium, Han and Leia Solo are on the run, hunted by their own son, Jacen, whose increasingly authoritarian tactics as head of GA security have led Luke and Mara Skywalker to fear that their nephew may be treading perilously close to the dark side. But all Jacen wants is safety and stability for all—and he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

But as his family sees in Jacen the chilling legacy of his Sith grandfather, Darth Vader, many of the frontline troops adore him, and countless citizens see him as a savior. The galaxy has been torn apart by too many wars. All Jacen wants is safety and stability for all–and he’s prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal.

To end the bloodshed and suffering, what sacrifice would be too great? That is the question tormenting Jacen. Already he has sacrificed much, embracing the pitiless teachings of Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, who has taught him that a strong will and noble purpose can hold the evil excesses of the dark side at bay, bringing peace and order to the galaxy–but at a price.

For there is one final test that Jacen must pass before he can gain the awesome power of a true Sith Lord: He must bring about the death of someone he values dearly. What troubles Jacen isn’t whether he has the strength to commit murder. He has steeled himself for that, and worse if necessary. No, the question that troubles Jacen is who the sacrifice should be.

As the strands of destiny draw ever more tightly together in a galaxy-spanning web, the shocking conclusion will shatter two families… and cast a grim shadow over the future.

  • Written By: Karen Traviss
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Inferno

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Luke Skywalker wanted to unify the Jedi Order and bring peace to the universe. Instead, his wife, Mara, lies dead at the hands of an unknown assassin, his wayward nephew Jacen has seized control of the Galactic Alliance, and the galaxy has exploded in all-out civil war.

With Luke consumed with grief, Jacen Solo works quickly to consolidate his power and jumpstart his plan to take over the Jedi. Convinced he’s the only one who can save the galaxy, Jacen will do whatever it takes, even ambush his own parents.

With the Rebel confederacy driving deep into the Core to attack Coruscant and the Jedi under siege, Luke must reassert his position. Only he can lead the Jedi through this crisis, but it means solving the toughest problem Luke’s ever faced. Does he fight alongside his nephew Jacen, a tyrant who’s taken over the GA or does he join the rebels to smash the Galactic Alliance he helped create?

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Fury

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Fighting alongside the Corellian rebels, Han and Leia are locked in a war against their son Jacen, who grows more powerful and more dangerous with each passing day. Nothing can stop Jacen’s determination to bring peace with a glorious Galactic Alliance victory–whatever the price.

While Luke grieves the loss of his beloved wife and deals with his guilt over killing the wrong person in retaliation, Jaina, Jag, and Zekk hunt for the real assassin, unaware that the culprit commands Sith powers that can cloud their minds and misdirect their attacks–and even turn them back on themselves.

As Luke and Ben Skywalker struggle to find their place among the chaos, Jacen, shunned by friends and family, launches an invasion to rescue the only person still loyal to him. But with the battle raging on, and the galaxy growing more turbulent and riotous, there’s no question that it is Jacen who is most wanted: dead or alive.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Revelation

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During this savage civil war, all efforts to end Jacen Solo’s tyranny of the Galactic Alliance have failed. Now, with Jacen approaching the height of his dark powers, no one–not even the Solos and the Skywalkers–knows if anything can stop the Sith Lord before his plan to save the galaxy ends up destroying it.

Jacen Solo’s shadow of influence has threatened many, especially those closest to him. Jaina Solo is determined to bring her brother in, but in order to track him down, she must first learn unfamiliar skills from a man she finds ruthless, repellent, and dangerous. Meanwhile, Ben Skywalker, still haunted by suspicions that Jacen killed his mother, Mara, decides he must know the truth, even if it costs him his life. And as Luke Skywalker contemplates once unthinkable strategies to dethrone his nephew, the hour of reckoning for those on both sides draws near. The galaxy becomes a battlefield where all must face their true nature and darkest secrets, and live–or die–with the consequences.

  • Written By: Karen Traviss
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible

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No war can last forever. Now, in the long and punishing battle between the defiant champions of the New Jedi Order and the juggernaut that is the Galactic Alliance, the endgame is finally at hand. With so much lost—and nothing less than the course of the future still at stake—there can be no turning back. No matter the consequences.

The rebel cause is losing ground under the twin blows of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon’s assassination and the death of Mara Jade Skywalker. At the same time, having gained the support of the Imperial Remnant and its ruthlessly efficient forces, the Galactic Alliance, with the extraordinary power and dark brilliance of newly ascendant Sith Lord Darth Caedus at its helm, may be unstoppable. Tormented and torn between the call of duty and the thirst for vengeance, Luke has searched the Force and beheld an unspeakable vision of the galaxy enslaved under tyranny more monstrous than even Palpatine’s. Now it seems that the last, best hope lies in mobilizing the scattered Jedi for one decisive search-and-destroy mission. The objective: eliminate Darth Caedus.

It’s a plan that will be as difficult and dangerous to execute as it is daring. For Caedus is a scion of both the Skywalker and Solo bloodlines whose command of the Force surpasses even that of his grandfather Darth Vader. There is only one who is bound by destiny to stand against him in what will surely be a duel to the death, only one with an outside chance of bringing down the dark lord who was once Jacen Solo.

Failure is not an option. The furious final moments between power and peace are here, and whoever confronts Darth Caedus will decide the outcome—and the fate of those left standing.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Millennium Falcon

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Two years have passed since Jacen Solo, seduced by the dark side and reanointed as the brutal Sith Lord Darth Caedus, died at the hands of his twin sister Jaina, Sword of the Jedi. For a grieving Han and Leia, the shadow of their son’s tragic downfall still looms large. But Jacen’s own bright and loving daughter, Allana, offers a ray of hope for the future as she thrives in her grandparents’ care. The eager, inquisitive and Force-strong girl makes a curious discovery aboard her grandfather’s beloved spacecraft—the much-overhauled but ever-dependable Millennium Falcon. The Solo family then finds itself at a new turning point, about to set out on an odyssey into uncertain territory, untold adventure, and unexpected rewards.

To Han, who knows every bolt, weld, and sensor of the Falcon as if they were parts of himself, the strange device Allana shows him is utterly alien. But its confounding presence—and Allana’s infectious desire to unravel its mystery—are impossible to dismiss. The only answer lies in backtracking into the past on a fact-finding expedition to retrace the people, places, and events in the checkered history of the vessel that’s done everything from making the Kessel Run”in less than twelve parsecs” to helping topple an evil Empire.

From the moment the Falcon broke loose from a Corellian assembly line like an untamed creature with a will of its own, it seemed destined to seek out trouble. It wasn’t long before the feisty YT-1300 light freighter went from shuttling cargo to smuggling contraband. But it’s a fateful rendezvous on Coruscant, at the explosive height of the Republic/Separatist uprising, that launches a galaxywide cat-and-mouse game whose newest players are Han, Leia, Allana and C-3PO. And they’re not alone: Crime lords, galactic pirates, rogue politicians and fortune hunters alike loom at every turn of the quest—each with his or her own desperate stake in the Millennium Falcon’s most momentous mission.

Through the years and across the stars, from the Rim Worlds to points beyond, the race will lead them all to a final standoff for a prize some will risk everything to find—and pay any cost to possess.

  • Written By: James Luceno
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Outcast

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After a violent civil war, and the devastation wrought by the now-fallen Darth Caedus, the Galactic Alliance is in crisis—and in need. From all corners, politicians, power brokers, and military leaders converge on Coruscant for a crucial summit to restore order, negotiate differences, and determine the future of their unified worlds. But even more critical, and far more uncertain, is the future of the Jedi.

In a shocking move, Chief of State Natasi Daala orders the arrest of Luke Skywalker for failing to prevent Jacen Solo’s turn to the dark side and subsequent reign of terror as a Sith Lord. But it’s only the first blow in an anti-Jedi backlash fueled by a hostile government and suspicious public. When Jedi Knight Valin Horn, scion of a politically influential family, suffers a mysterious psychotic break and becomes a dangerous fugitive, the Jedi become the target of a media-driven witch-hunt. Facing conviction on the charges, Luke has only one choice. He must strike a bargain with the calculating Daala-his freedom in exchange for his exile from Coruscant and from the Jedi Order.

Now, though forbidden to intervene in Jedi affairs, Luke is determined to keep grim history from being repeated. With his son, Ben, at his side, Luke sets out to unravel the shocking truth behind Jacen Solo’s corruption and downfall. But the secrets he uncovers among the enigmatic Force mystics of the distant world Dorin may bring his quest—and life as he knows it—to a sudden end. And all the while, another Jedi Knight, consumed by the same madness as Valin Horn, is headed for Coruscant on a fearsome mission that could doom the Jedi Order . . . and devastate the entire galaxy.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Omen

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The Jedi Order is in crisis. The late Jacen Solo’s shocking transformation into murderous Sith Lord Darth Caedus has cast a damning pall over those who wield the Force for good: Two Jedi Knights have succumbed to an inexplicable and dangerous psychosis, criminal charges have driven Luke Skywalker into self-imposed exile, and power-hungry Chief of State Natasi Daala is exploiting anti-Jedi sentiment to undermine the Order’s influence within the Galactic Alliance.

Forbidden to intervene in Jedi affairs, Luke is on a desperate mission to uncover the truth behind Jacen’s fall to the dark side — and to learn what’s turning peaceful Jedi into raving lunatics. But finding answers will mean venturing into the mind-bending space of the Kathol Rift, and bargaining with an alien species as likely to destroy outsiders as deal with them. Still, there is no other choice and no time to lose, as the catastrophic events on Coruscant continue to escalate. Stricken by the same violent dementia that infected her brother, Valin, Jedi Knight Jysella Horn faces an equally grim fate after her capture by Natasi Daala’s police. And when Han and Leia Solo narrowly foil another deranged Jedi bent on deadly destruction, even acting Jedi Grand Master Kenth Hamner appears willing to bow to Daala’s iron will — at the expense of the Jedi Order.

But an even greater threat is looming. Millennia in the past, a Sith starship crashed on an unknown, low-tech planet, leaving the survivors stranded. Over the generations, their numbers have grown, the ways of the dark side have been nurtured, and the time is fast approaching when this lost tribe of Sith will once more take to the stars to reclaim their legendary destiny as rulers of the galaxy. Only one thing stands in their way to dominance, a name whispered to them through the Force: Skywalker.

  • Written By: Christie Golden
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Abyss

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Following a trail of clues across the galaxy, Luke Skywalker continues his quest to find the reasons behind Jacen Solo’s dark downfall and to win redemption for the Jedi Order. Sojourning among the mysterious Aing-Tii monks has left Luke and his son Ben with no real answers, only the suspicion that the revelations they seek lie in the forbidden reaches of the distant Maw Cluster. There, hidden from the galaxy in a labyrinth of black holes, dwell the Mind Walkers: those whose power to transcend their bodies and be one with the Force is as seductive and intoxicating as it is potentially fatal. But it may be Luke’s only path to the truth.

Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the war of wills between Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala and the Jedi Order is escalating. Outraged over the carbonite freezing of young Jedi Knights Valin and Jysella Horn after their inexplicable mental breakdowns, the Jedi are determined to defy Daala’s martial tactics, override Council Master Kenth Hamner’s wavering leadership, and deal on their own terms with the epidemic of madness preying on their ranks. As Han and Leia Solo, along with their daughter Jaina, join the fight to protect more stricken Knights from arrest, Jedi healers race to find a cure for the rapidly spreading affliction. But none of them realize the blaster barrel is already swinging in their direction and Chief Daala is about to pull the trigger.

Nor do Luke and Ben, deep in the Maw Cluster and pushing their Force abilities beyond known limits, realize how close they are–to the Sith strike squad bent on exterminating the Skywalkers, to a nexus of dark–side energy unprecedented in its power and its hunger, and to an explosive confrontation between opposing wielders of the Force from which only one Master–good or evil–can emerge alive.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By:Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Backlash

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Repercussions from the dark side’s fatal seduction of Jacen Solo and the mysterious plague of madness afflicting young Jedi continue to wreak havoc galaxy-wide. Having narrowly escaped the deranged Force worshippers known as the Mind Walkers, and a deadly Sith hit squad, Luke and Ben Skywalker are in pursuit of the now Masterless Sith apprentice. It is a chase that leads to the forbidding planet Dathomir, where an enclave of powerful dark-side Force-wielders will give Vestara the edge she needs to escape—and where the Skywalkers will be forced into combat for their quarry and their lives.

Meanwhile, Han and Leia Solo have completed their own desperate mission, shuttling madness-stricken Jedi from Coruscant to safe haven in the Transitory Mists and beyond the grasp of Galactic Alliance Chief of State Natasi Daala. But the bold maneuver has intensified Daala’s fury, and she is determined to shatter Jedi Order resistance once and for all.

Yet no greater threat exists than that which still waits in the depths of the distant Maw Cluster: A being of pure, ravenous dark-side energy named Abeloth calls out across the stars to Jedi and Sith alike. For some, it may be the ultimate source of answers crucial to their survival. For others, it could be the ultimate weapon of conquest. But for all, it is a game-changing—and life-altering—encounter of untold magnitude, and a tactical gambit with unimaginable consequences.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Allies

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What began as a quest for truth has become a struggle for survival for Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben. They have used the secrets of the Mind Walkers to transcend their own bodies and speak with the spirits of the fallen, risking their very lives in the process. They have faced a team of Sith assassins and beaten the odds to destroy them. And now the death squad’s sole survivor, Sith apprentice Vestara Khai, has summoned an entire fleet of Sith frigates to engage the embattled father and son. But the dark warriors come bearing a surprising proposition that will bring Jedi and Sith together in an unprecedented alliance against an evil more ancient and alien than they can imagine.

While the Skywalkers and their Sith allies set off on their joint mission into the treacherous web of black holes that is the Maw, Han and Leia Solo risk arrest and worse to aid the Jedi imprisoned back on Coruscant. Tyrannical Chief of State Natasi Daala has issued orders that will open a permanent schism between her government and the Jedi Order—a schism that could turn all Jedi into renegades and wanted criminals.

But it is in the depths of the Maw that the future of the galaxy will be decided. For there the Skywalkers and their Sith allies will engage a true monster in battle, and Luke will come face-to-face with a staggering truth.

  • Written By: Christie Golden
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Vortex

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In a stunning turn of events, Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben, joined forces with members of the Sith armada sent to kill them—and turned their combined might against the monstrous being Abeloth. But with one menace dealt with, a new and even more insidious threat looms.

Now Luke and Ben must go on the run, taking along the inscrutable—and ever dangerous—Sith apprentice Vestara Khai. With a host of Sith warriors in hot pursuit, the Skywalkers soon find themselves trapped on the moon Pydyr, caught between their former allies and a mob of angry Fallanassi. A new truce may be their only hope. But can a Sith ever be trusted?

With the Jedi’s most famous father-and-son team outnumbered and outgunned, the countdown to galactic disaster has begun—and time is running out.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Conviction

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Chief of State Natasi Daala has been overthrown, and the Jedi Order has taken control of the Galactic Alliance. But while the new governors dismantle Daala’s draconian regime, forces still loyal to the deposed official are mobilizing a counterstrike. And even the Jedi’s new authority may not be enough to save Tahiri Veila, the former Jedi Knight and onetime Sith apprentice convicted of treason for the killing of Galactic Alliance officer Gilad Pellaeon.

Meanwhile, Luke and Ben Skywalker are relentlessly pursuing Abeloth, the powerful dark-side entity bent on ruling the galaxy. But as they corner their monstrous quarry on the planet Nam Chorios, the two lone Jedi must also face the fury of the Sith death squadron bearing down on them. And when Abeloth turns the tables with an insidious ambush, the Skywalkers’ quest threatens to become a suicide mission.

  • Written By: Aaron Allston
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension

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As Luke and Ben Skywalker pursue the formidable dark-side being Abeloth, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is about to be sundered by an even greater power—which will thrust one Dark Lord into mortal conflict with his own flesh-and-blood.

On Coruscant, a political vacuum has left tensions at the boiling point, with factions racing to claim control of the Galactic Alliance. Suddenly surrounded by hidden agendas, treacherous conspiracies, and covert Sith agents, the Jedi Order must struggle to keep the GA government from collapsing into anarchy.

The Jedi are committed to maintaining peace and ensuring just rule, but even they are not prepared to take on the combined threats of Sith power, a deposed dictator bent on galaxywide vengeance, and an entity of pure cunning and profound evil hungry to become a god.

  • Written By: Christie Golden
  • Published By: Del Rey

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse

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In the stunning finale of the epic Fate of the Jedi series, Jedi and Sith face off—with Coruscant as their battlefield. For the Sith, it’s the chance to restore their dominance over the galaxy that forgot them for so long. For Abeloth, it’s a giant step in her quest to conquer all life everywhere. For Luke Skywalker, it’s a call to arms to eradicate the Sith and their monstrous new master once and for all.

In a planetwide strike, teams of Jedi Knights take the Sith infiltrators by swift and lethal surprise. But victory against the cunning and savage Abeloth, and the terrifying endgame she has planned, is anything but certain. And as Luke, Ben, Han, Leia, Jaina, Jag, and their allies close in, the devastating truth about the dark side incarnate will be exposed—and send shock waves through the Jedi Order, the galaxy, and the Force itself.

  • Written By: Troy Denning
  • Published By: Del Rey

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