In the 1951 animated movie version of Alice In Wonderland the Mad Hatter is first seen when Alice is lost in a forest and stumbles on the Mad Hatter and the March Hare having an “Unbirthday” party. Not knowing what they were celebrating Alice went over in their garden and sat down listening to the two crazies sing the Unbirthday song. An “Unbirthday” is 364 days in a year that aren’t your birthday those are called Unbirthdays. During the tea party with Alice the Mad Hatter references Edgar Allen Poe with a riddle “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” there isn’t an exact answer to this as there are multiple ones.
Like most of the characters in Alice In Wonderland the Mad Hatter uses a lot of nonsense and is silly yet he is considered to be Alice’s best friend. His personality is very eccentric and unique has he’s very random yet intelligent for his riddles. He’s also very fun, outgoing, and slightly insane. As long as you don’t spoil his parties then you’ll be on his good side. Mad Hatter is the boss of the March Hare and the Dormouse and he happens to be a tea party owner.
- Alice Adventure’s In Wonderland
- Through The Looking Glass
- Alice In Wonderland (1951 Disney movie)
- Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland (2010)
- Looking Glass Wars
- Alice In Wonderland SyFy Mini Series
- American McGee’s Alice
- Bonkers
- House Of Mouse
- A Witch’s Tale
- Kingdom Hearts
- Card Captor Sakura
- Miyuki-chan In Wonderland
- Pandora Hearts
- Project ARMS
- Once Upon a Time