Kaoru Koganei was the wife of a talented artist who gave her diamonds to make her happy, but he hung himself after taking out an insurance policy. Since then she has become obssesed with making her body into a shining monument of his love for her. Eventually she joined the Roppongi Club and was kissed by Kagura. The Euphoria virus made her fetish come to be by giving her the ability to become a living diamond. Now a creature of lustrous beauty, she proudly flaunts her transparent and shallow nature. Due to her powers she constantly craves diamonds to satisfy her hunger. She mostly used all her husbands money to purchase diamonds and eat them.

Due to the Euphoria Virus Koganei can turn her whole body into diamond. In her diamond form Koganei is indestructible and is resailant to anything. She also can extend her fingers into sharp claws.