
A henchman of Hordak, Mantenna has been repeatedly defeated by He-Man & the Masters of the Universe.


Physical Appearance

Mantenna is an alien creature. His insect-like appearance includes bulging yellow eyes and four spiky legs. He has an enlarged head with bright red skin, while the rest o his body is blue. His name seems to be an amalgamation of ‘Man’ and ‘Antenna’. A combination of words that suggest a humanoid insect.

Eye Beams

For an unexplained reason, Mantenna can fire a wide variety of different eye beams. His overly-large bug-eyes have been known to shoot tun beams, distortion beams & freeze rays. However, the effects are never permanent.


Mantenna mainly relies on his eye beams & agility in battle. Otherwise, he is a poor hand-to-hand combatant.