Marcie divided her time between her father, William Honesworth, and her mother, Sondra Grant. She entered the university. Marcie was a sweet child, very loving, particularly of her father. Marcie ached for one approval from her father. And what she couldn’t get from him, she would seek from other men, not always wisely. She was so lonely.
Marcie jumped to her death from her bedroom window. When his mother went for her things he became a glowing spectral vision of Marcie sitting at her desk, writing furiously, then the figure stopped, walked to the window, and stepped out. When her mother turned back to the desk, Marcie was there, beginning the cycle all over again. This went until daybreak.
She was lover of Mitchell Sewell, champion boxer athlete of Cynosure University.
After investigation it is known Marcie ran drugs and worked as a call-girl. Really she wanted something to help her stay awake to study. Candyman saw his chanceand Mitch give her the Sugarcoats drugs instead.
Finally she had been used as a weapon against her father. She, too, had a sense of noblesse oblige. Her father would have been proud of her, if he known.