Mason Savoy


Like Tony Chu, Savoy is a cibopath and is the agent to recruit Chu into the FDA. It turns out he is actually trying to infilitrate the company as it is hinted he lost someone because of them and does not believe bird flu exists. Chu exposes Savoy, so Savoy bites his ear off and threatens to eat it and learn Chu’s secrets if he comes for him and then disapears.


Savoy was created by John Layman and Rob Guillory. His first appearance was in Image’s Chew #1. At the back of Chew: Taster’s Choice John Layman says this about the base of Mason Savoy:

“Mason is the lovechild of Orson Welles and a grizzly bear.”

Major Story Arcs

Taster’s Choice

Savoy recruits Tony Chu to join the FDA after discovering Chu’s a cibopath, just like himself. Savoy trains Chu to do well at his job and partners with him to go on special missions on the field. Their first case is about Evan Pepper, a health inspector who discovered something a warehouse full of illegal chickens. Evan’s finger was cut off and he was later murdered to silence him. Savoy and Chu discovered the same warehouse and rounded up the illegal chicken traders. When one of the traders threatened to kill Chu, Savoy stepped in, took the bullet and killed the trader. Chu was splattered by blood and discovered that the trader was the man who cut off Pepper’s finger. But Chu also got a bit of Savoy’s blood on him. Tasting this, he received the image of Savoy murdering Evan Pepper. Confronting Savoy with this information, Savoy tore off Chu’s ear, threatening to eat it and come after Chu’s family, if Chu ever came after Savoy again. Savoy gave up his job at the FDA and became a man on the run.