
As with any character that has existed in the medium for such a long time, Mera has had her origin told many times and this creates some confusion to the exact origin of the character. In the silver age, she was the resident of a watery dimension known as Xebel, and she fled from there to Earth from the villain Leron. After arriving on Earth she met Aquaman and the two formed a crime fighting partnership before eventually marrying. A modified origin indicates that Xebel was actually a banished coloney of Atlanteans which had been sealed within the Bermuda Triangle.
Mera and her sister Hila were princesses of Xebel and sent to destroy Aquaman. Instead Mera fell in love with him and abandoned her people to become the Queen of Atlantis. Queen Mera is very hot tempered. Howeer, she is also kind, generous, loyal, sympathetic, and more. She is always by Aquaman’s side; she serves both as his wife, queen and counselor. She takes her duty to her people very seriously. she sees herself as her people’s servant, meaning that nothing is beneaths her.

Mera’s first appearance was in Aquaman #1 in 1963. Created by artist Nick Cardy and writer Jack Miller.
Character Evolution

Mera’s publication history is a lot longer than most contemporary characters, having spanned almost fifty years. As with many characters of the silver age (and especially female characters) her depiction was generally two dimensional, but after the decision that one of her sons died in infancy, she began to be displayed as more independent, both in love with Aquaman, but also unable to face their past.
In the new 52 reboot, they seem to be at peace with one another, though it is not yet revealed hos this relates to the continuity before the reboot.
In Rebirth, Mera is much more independent. After Aquamn was dethrone by an Usurpur, he was traped by the crown of torn. Mera saw it as her duty to free her husband. so she spent night and days trying to. She spent weeks without food, rest or sleep. However, in her quest to save her husband, she alsmost drowns an entire city, so the Justice League haf to intervene, but Queen Mera was able to take them down one by one. She alost drowns Superman and Wonder Woman and also pulled the water out of Flash’s body. Later, she was offered a membership to the Justich League which she accepts saying that its what Aquaman would have wanted.
In February 2018, she was given her own solo series in which she is trying to reunite with Aquaman once again.
Major Story Arcs

The majority of the character’s silver appearances did not result in any notable story arcs. This is mostly as a result of the general depiction of comic book characters at the time (in that most did not have story arcs) instead focusing more on self-contained adventures within individual issues, or occasionally in two or three. The first major development which occurred to Mera was the death of their child Arthur Curry Jr, who was murdered by Black Manta. Mera began to resent that the father was not by the son when he died (as the son died a short time later while they tried to save his life.)
The two eventually came to a violent confrontation in which Aquaman assumed that Mera had died, but it was later revealed that Thantos had brainwashed her. She was held in a hellish dimension known as the Netherworld. She was eventually freed by her husband. The two remained estranged and she even ruled as Queen during his exile. Arthur had also begun a relationship with Dolphin for a time, but he would eventually reunite with Mera.

Atlantis was sent back in time by Tempest during the Imperiex War. It was later restored with the help of the Justice League of America. She later showed up shortly before Aquaman’s death in One Year Later . After these events she regained her full abilities and formed a rebel army with the new Aquaman with the goal of rebuilding Atlantis after its destruction at the hands of the Spectre. During Blackest Night, a group of Atlanteans including Mera attempt to retrieve the body of Aquaman to return it to the royal tomb. She is shocked to discover he has been returned to life as a Black Lantern, and was later joined by Dolphin and Tula (Aquagirl.) In the end the remainder of the Atlanteans are killed and Garth is brought back as a Black Lantern as well. Black Lantern Aquaman tempts her with their deceased child but she flees and joins forces with the Atom and the Flash. She is eventually deputized as a Red Lantern, which increased her power substantially. When Arthur was subsequently revived, her red ring separated itself from her, leaving her in cardiac arrest, but Saint Walker and Carol Ferris were able to save her.

During the events of Brightest Day the two of them rekindle their love and the two began to work together, notably saving a group of children from abduction, but they are confused as Aquaman can summon zombie version of marine wildlife. Soon after she is forced to reveal to Aquaman her true history, that she was originally sent to kill him.
New 52
The Trench/The Others

Mera is still struggling to adjust to life on the surface. She fought The Trench at Aquaman’s side. She hates how humans show neither Arthur nor her any respect even after how much they’ve helped them. Now, with Arthur fighting to find Black Manta with The Others, she is forced to stay back with Dr. Shin.
Throne of Atlantis

The US Navy accidentally sends missiles into the ocean. This provokes Ocean Master, king of Atlantis, to declare war on the surface world (using plans Aquaman wrote years before). Ocean Master captures most of the Justice League underwater, so Aquaman, Mera, and Cyborg go to rescue them. This ultimately leads to Aquaman becoming the new king of Atlantis.
Death of a King

With Aquaman as king of Atlantis, the First King returns to become ruler of the 7 seas once again. Shortly after, Mera runs into Nereus, who calls her his wife. Nereus is the ruler of Xebel, and has assumed that Mera was dead. Is it then stated that Nereus sent her to kill Aquaman, three years ago! Aquaman engages in a fight with the First King, while Scavenger invades Atlantis. Much to Mera’s surprise, the people Xebel bow to the First King, declaring him the “true king of the 7 seas.”

In rebirth, Queen Mera is trying to Reunite back with Aquaman. After being separated from him by the barrier the current king of Atlantis. It was revealed that she never wanted to be a Queen because having grown up a princess, she knew the politics of it. She just wanted a normal married life with Arthur. However, after being separated from her husband, she proves that she will do anything to be with him including teaming up with both friends and foes. She even teams up with Orm in order to take the throne back from the Usurper who had dethroned her husband before.
The Rise and Fall Of Atlantis

After losing the crown to a new king, Aquaman gave up the throne and went to explore the world instead. The Council of Atlantis nominated Princess Mera to the throne because she understood the sacrifices the crown demands as she was raised a dutiful princess from Xebel. In Suicide Squad Suicide Squad #47, Mera has crowned the new Queen of Atlantis. She seems to be keeping her calm under all the pressure Atlantis is under right Now. After the event of Dark Night Metal, Atlantis has risen from the sea to the beach, and the United States Government is trying to sink it back into the sea. Amanda Waller sent her army to do the job and is willing to kill Millions in the process. When Queen Mera finds out that the Suicide Squad was in Atlantis, she sent Aquaman to assemble a team of villains in order to fight fire with fire without starting an official war with the United States Government.
Marriage and Motherhood
When Mera and Arthur were going to get married, they also became parents to Princess Andy.
Helping Jackson
After Arthur left for Mars, Mera aided a family friend named Jackson Hyde when he arrived in the middle of the night, having been attacked and then nearly arrested for something he didn’t do. She agreed to help him and gave him a device to do that, and then sent him on his way to the surface. Mera went back to sleep only to be awoken a little bit later by Atlantean law enforcement, who wanted to question her about Jackson. With no one to watch Andy, Mera brought her daughter along.
During the questioning, Mera was adamant that Jackson was innocent. She also said that they were accusing Jackson because he was from Xebel after one of the guards was shown to be xenophobic. When the guards left the room, Mera listened to their conversation. When they returned, she entertained their questions for a little longer, before leaving with Andy to go to Lucia Hyde, Jackson’s mother. There, she met Davi and then spoke with Lucia about Jackson.
Afterwards, she returned to Atlantis and had a brief discussion with the lieutenant of the Atlantean guard Charleze before leaving to give Andy a tour of a museum. However, after she met up with the museum’s curator, the real reason she was there was revealed: she met up with Ha’wea to give an update on Jackson.
Powers and Abilities
Mera possesses abilities common to all Xebelians, but to a greater degree, especially her water control.
Superhuman Strength

Mera possesses considerable superhuman strength (carrying capacity of at least 70 tons). She has been shown as strong enough to lift an entire section of an Atlantean ship with dozens of people still attached to it. She can easily leap hundreds of yards, and effortlessly rip through metal barriers.
Superhuman Swimming Speed
Mera can swim much faster than normal Atlanteans or Xebelians. Her swimming is boosted by her advanced level of water manipulation. She is on Aquaman’s level, which would make her one of the fastest swimmers in the DC universe, and able to ‘cruise’ through the water at a rate of at least 300mph. Her top speed is still unknown.
Superhuman Jump
Mera, like Aquaman, can leap great distances either on land or out of water. Her ability can be boosted by her water control. She can leap so high she appears to be flying and has boarded a plane mid flight.
Superhuman Durability

Mera possesses high resistance to blunt trauma, magical attacks, physical attacks, strong impacts, falling from great heights, high temperatures, heavy objects and projectile weapons without sustaining injury.
Enhanced Senses
Mera has shown the ability to see, hear or talk normally even at the bottom of the ocean. This would indicate that both her vision and hearing capacities are at superhuman levels. She can also sense nearby water sources when she is away from the ocean.
Mera is immortal and has an extended lifespan which allows her to exist indefinitely. She doesn’t age, wither, or degrade.
Underwater Adaptation
She can function normally underwater and is able to withstand the high pressures and extreme temperatures of the deep, like all Xebelians. She can breath both on land and underwater.
Hydrokinesis (Water Manipulation)

Mera possesses hydrokinesis (water control) like all Xebelians, but her ability is greater than the others.
She can manipulate water in any shape or form like shields or melee weapons. She can also pull water seemingly out of nowhere like in the air and out of other people’s body. She was able to dehydrates Flash by taking the water from his body. Her most known use of her power is solidifying water in what is called “Hard Water”. She can use her Hard Water power to move around on solid water, form shields, weapons or concussive blasts. She can also manipulate the water on other peoples bodies for multiple effects such as dehydration. She can manipulate water on the level of creating or holding back a tidal wave, though it taxes her greatly. When attempting feats of such magnitude Mera has repeatedly had nosebleeds and on some occasions even fainted from the effort. Although it must be noted that Mera had success, even though she was weakened after.
Skilled Assassin / Leader
Mera is a trained assassin. She was trained from a very young age by the Xebelian King (her father) in order to kill the King of Atlantis. She is an expert on using her water control powers in combat. Additionally Mera is a proven leader, having led Atlantis before and is also quite intelligent, coming up with effective battle tactics during a battle.
Weapons and Equipment
Mera wears her trademark green full body armored suit.
Mera’s Scale Armor

Mera wears a characteristic green full body armored suit. The suit further enhances her own durability to bulletproof levels.
Former Powers
Red Lantern Power Ring
Mera was in possession of a Red Lantern Power Ring fueled by rage for a very short period of time. The ring granted her the full range of its powers and further enhanced her own. As a forer red lantern member, Mera possessed those abilities:

- Animating: A Red Lantern can will things to move how he wants.
- Caustic Effect: Red Lantern power can damage and drain away the power of other lanterns almost like a poison. For example green lanterns who survive a Red Lantern attack will begin to lose power from the almost napalm like attacks of Red Lanterns.
- Communicator: The ring can act as a personal communicator between Lanterns.
- Costumes: The wearer of the ring may create any costume they choose, based on their personal preferences, whenever they choose. The ring projects the costume over any clothes already worn at the time. While Red Lanterns have no costume code they all are red and black with the Red Lantern symbol displayed.
- Energy Projection: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and force fields, and fire destructive blasts. The attacks often come from the mouth from a Red Lantern.
- Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. The constructs can even be so complex as to form working machines, computers, and even people. Red Lanterns seem to have difficulty creating constructs. Atrocitus is one of a hand full that have been able to do it.
- Flight: The ring allows the wearer to fly in atmosphere or in space, and can achieve incredible speeds, moving from planet to planet in a matter of hours.
- Heart Replacement: Red Lantern Rings replace the heart of the lantern who wields them so removing a Red Lantern ring is often fatal without medical attention or the presence of a Blue Lantern. Atrocitus had his heart ripped from his body and was able to return to the fight within seconds since his ring serves as his heart.
- Mirages: The Ring can create mirages/illusions.)
- Recharging: The rings need to be recharged by means of a Power Battery. Other large sources of power may be used to recharge a power ring, however effectiveness may vary. The internal power source of a Manhunter Android is, in effect, the same as a power battery, and can be used to recharge a power ring. During the JLA / Avengers crossover, a Cosmic Cubewas used to recharge a depleted ring, although this is not an ideal solution and is available if there are no other options.
- Ring Duplication: Each ring can duplicate itself, creating a second ring which may be given to another as a backup, for protection, or to help the lantern in times of great need. This duplicate ring is exactly like a normal ring.
- Temperature Control: The Ring can increase or decrease the temperature of anything, even something as large as stars, or even create bubbles of intense heat or cold, even down to Absolute Zero.
- Electro-magnetic scanning: The ring can allow(through the use of x rays) the user to see through walls, without the people on the other side knowing. it can also scan along the Electromagnetic spectrum.
- Wormhole/Warps: The ring can open wormholes to cut down on distance.
Limited Telepathy
In the pre-Flashpoint universe, Mera used to have a limited amount of telepathy, occasionally shown as able to communicate with other Atlanteans.
Physical Character Profile

- Height: 6′ 0″
- Weight: 166 lbs
- Eyes: Blue
- Hair: Red
- Occupation: Queen of Atlantis/ Princess of Xebel
- Status: Hero
- Base: City of Poseidonis
- Occupation: Queen
- Marital Status: Married
- Identity: Public Identity
Queen Mera is a very beautiful woman. She has long, red hair, blue-green eyes, and full lips. She is quite tall, strong, and fit. Since she grew up in the ocean, her body evolved to fit her environment. Mera is a being of exceptional character; very passionate, intelligent, dedicated, dutiful, loyal, loving, etc. She is an extraordinary ally, and a formidable adversary to those who threaten those she cares for. She is a great wife, mother, warrior, Queen, and Superhero.

The events of Flashpoint created an in continuity world which had been modified to be quite different. In this storyline Wonder Woman and Aquaman were to be married as a political union, but a well-planned assassination stopped this course of action. The Amazons and the Atlanteans were subsequently at war. Mera eventually faces Wonder Woman and is decapitated, with Wonder Woman taking her distinctive helmet as a trophy. As depicted in the new 52, things are seemingly back to normal for the pair, as the events of Flashpoint were undone
The Nail (Elseworlds)

Mera has an small involvement in the alternate universe of The Nail, a world where the Kents never found Kal-El, and as consequence there is no Superman
JLA: Created Equal

In this elseworld, all men, with the exception of Superman and Lex Luthor, leaving the women behind. Wonder Woman, leading an all female Justice League, struggles to bring order and repopulate the world. Mera and Dolphin are shown as Atlantis survivors.

In Alex Ross´ Justice, Mera is once again the wife of Aquaman and mother of Arthur Jr. She asks for Justice League help after Aquaman disappeared.
Tiny Titans

Mera makes a few cameos in Tiny Titans from Johnny Dc line. Her face is never shown.
Justice League of Atlantis

This was one of the many Justice League teams formed after Hector Hammond made the world forget that the Justice League existed. Aquaman’s group were generally underwater based heroes. Mera is part of the team along with Tempest, Power Girl, Arion, Lori Lemaris and Devilfish
Other Media
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure

Mera appeared in several episodes of this show. She was voiced by Diana Maddox.
Justice League

Mera appeared in the episodes The Enemy Below Part 1 and Part 2, The Terror Beyond Part 1 and Part 2. She was voiced by Kristen Bauer. Theres is no statement on whatever she is atlantean or not, and she does not display any powers. She first appears in the two part episodes story “The Enemy Below” as Aquaman wife and mother of their son.
When Aqumana is put under arrest by Orm, she helped the Justice League by freeing them. She returns in “The Enemy Below” confronting de Justice League´s acusation against Aquaman. She also made a cameo in “Hereafter”, attending Superman´s Funeral). In the serie she is given a more royal look.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Mera made her first appearance as a cameo in the episode “Evil Undersea” next to Aquaman’s throne. She made a full appearence, voice dby Sirena Irwin, in “Aquaman’s Outrageous Adventure!” where her family takes center stage. In this episode, she urges Aquaman to take some time off his super hero duties to make a family trip, and fights the Penguin’s henchmen.
Soon after their marriage, Arthur and Mera discovered that Slade Wilson was building prisons for super-heroes following the passing of the Vigilante Registration Act and destroyed one of them. Clark Kent went to confront Arthur about this, but Mera, deeming him a threat, knocked him aside with her hydrokinesis. As Clark and Arthur went off to investigate Slade’s operation further (resulting in Arthur being kidnapped), Mera was confronted by Lois Lane, who was trying to help Clark.

At first, Mera deemed Lois a lesser being compared to herself, Arthur, Oliver Queen and Clark, until Lois managed to help them save Arthur with information on the prisons. Mera managed to rescue Oliver and Arthur. Later, before leaving town with Arthur, Mera apologized to Lois and admitted that she is a worthy partner of equal standing for someone like Clark. She is portrayed by Elena Satine.
Young Justice
Mera made an appearance on the show’s episode “Downtime”. In the episode after a mission gone awry, Aqualad decides to return to Atlantis where he hopes to rekindle things with Tula. However he comes to learn that Tula and Garth are now an item, and to make matters worst Poseidonis is attacked by Black Manta and his men, who sought after a beast frozen in ice. While Aquaman is away Mera, Garth, Tula , and Kaldur’ahm protect whats left of the city. Defeated, Black Manta resorts to drastic measures and decides to destroy the frozen beast, then flee the scene.

As the episode comes to a close Aquaman entrust Aqualad with what’s left of the beast, to take it to the surface world so that they may study whats left. Before Aqualad heads on back to the surface world he gives his blessings to Garth and Tula, she is also revealed to be pregnant. She is mentioned in the Season 1 finale where is stated that she helped create de cure to negate the effects of Starro-tech (The Light used this tech to asume control over the Justice League members). This is the first animated version of the character to display hydrokinesis, she is show to be very powerful as an instructor of the Conservatory of Sorcery. She has a more edgy look that her previous incarnations.
DC Super Hero Girls

Mera debuted in Season 4, Episode 5 “Fish Out of Water Part 1”, having some troubles adjusting to the life as a student in Super Hero High and as a Super Hero. She is voiced by Erica Lindbeck.
Teen Titans Go!

Although Queen Mera herself has never appeared in the show, her picture makes an appearance in one of the episodes. In season 5 episode 4, when the Teen Titans decided to make a movie, Robin assigns job positions to each member of the team. Beastboy and Cyborg are writers; however, when they are asked if they knew how to write, they responded that writing was easy since most writers just hang out in coffee shops for free Wifi. The coffee shop they show is a picture of Queen Mera. (Mera’s Coffee Shop is a parody of Starbucks, and Mera’s picture a parody of their mermaid logo.) It can be interpreted that this coffee shop is owned by her on the account that a lot of Super-Heroes and Villains own businesses in the Teen Titans Go Universe.
Dc Universe: Flashpoint Paradox
After an event that alters the past, changing the world as he knows it, Flash finds himself in a present plagues by a war between Aquaman and Wonder Woman. In a flashback, it is revealed that Aquaman and Mera arrived to the surface to make a pact between Atlantis and Themyscira.

In the aftermath, Arthur and Diana share Slept together, and Mera witness the encounter. enraged, the Queen and Wife of arthur, attacked Diana, who then in turn killed her by cutting her head off. Wonder Woman wears Mera’s crown as a trophy and a warning to others. The Atlanteans sees that as an act of disrespect and demand retribution. This creates a war between the two ancient civilazations, and everyone else gets caught in the crossfire.
Justice League: Throne of Atlantis

Mera appears in the movie based on the New 52 Justice League story arc of the same name. She was voiced by Sumalee Montano.
Justice League

Mera makes her debut in the Justice League movie. She is portrayed by Amber Heard. She faces off against Steppenwolf, and tells Aquaman to go after him.

Amber Heard is playing Mera in the Aquaman movie, directed by James Wan. This version is on good terms with Atlantis, but is at odds with Arthur due to him not wanting to take the Atlantean throne.
The Death of Superman (2018)

Mera makes a cameo in the movie, The Death of Superman. She is seen investigating the death of some Atlantean troops who were killed by Doomsday. She has no speaking in the movie.
Lego Aquaman Rage of Atlantis

When Aquaman is dethroned by his half-brother, Orm aka Ocean Master, Queen Mera teams up the rest of the Justice League to stop him and save the earth. She is voiced by Susan Eisenberg.
Teen Titans Go! To the Movies

Queen Mera is one of thousands of characters to have appear in the movie, Teen Titans Go! To The Movies. She has no speaking. During a scene where various DC characters is shown, Queen Mera can be seen swimming alongside her husband, Aquaman.
Funko Animated Shorts | Aquaman: Lost Relic

Queen Mera of Atlantis features in one of Funko Pop animated shorts. She is seen with Aquaman on the beach looking for some lost relic. This short by Funko Pop might reflect the plot from the Aquaman movie of which Queen Mera is a main character in.
Funko Animated Shorts| Aquaman Under Water Ambush

This short by Funko is a continuation of the first short, Aquaman: Lost Relic. In this new short movie, Aquaman and Mera are both ambushes by Black Manta who attacked them. He was able to electrify Aquaman and laser beamed Mera across the room. He takes Aquaman with him leaving Queen Mera unconscious.
DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis

The Movie starts with Princess Mera and her twin sister, Siren with the book of legends. This book as the legends goes is the most powerful artifact of magic ever created. In the movie, it states that Princess Mera and her sister has been homeless ever since her father was dethroned and thrown in jail. Princess Siren wants to take the trident from Aquaman because whoever holds the trident becomes the ruler of the Atlantis Kingdom. She convinces Mera to help her get it by promising her a new home. After achieving her goal and becomes queen, Siren betrayed Mera. She says that her reason for betraying her is because Princess Mera is too soft. After saving Aquaman, Mera is offered a home in Atlantis, but she refuses. At the end of the movie, princess Mera joins DC Super Hero High and makes it her new home. She is now a full time student at DC Super Hero High.
DC Universe Online

Mera appears in the MMORPG game DC Universe Online. In the beginning it’s believe that atlanteans are behind the attack on Metropolis, with it forces commanded by Queen Mera. It’s revealed that this was in fact Circe in disguise who has seized control over the royal family. After Circes´s grip on Aquaman is broken, He and Mera go back to Atlantis.
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

Mera is playable character in the game via DLC content. She is the Queen of another dimesion who seeks for Aquaman help. The fell in love and eventually got married.
DC Legends

Mera: Queen of Atlantis is a playable character in the game. She is a hero with Mystical badge.png Mystical affinity.
Her bio in the game says: Raised to hate Atlantis Mera fell in love with its King Aquaman and now uses her warrior skills to serve Atlantis.
In the extra-dimensional realm of Xebel Princess Mera was raised to assassinate the King of Atlantis. A rebel kingdom of exiles Xebel sought vengeance against the undersea Kingdom. But when Mera was sent on her mission the most unexpected thing happened she fell in love with Atlantis king Aquaman. Betraying her people she sided with Aquaman and eventually married him. Now the fierce Mera stands beside Aquaman though she can never truly understand his dedication to the strange and alien surface world.
DC Unchained

Mera is a playable character in this upcoming ios game. At the moment this game has only been released in Asia.
Action Figures

- Mera is part of the Series 2 of Brightest Day line.
- Mera, as a Red Lantern, is part of the Blackest Night serie 7. She is accompanied by Dex-Starr.
- Mera has three variatins in the Heroclix game: One with her classic look, as a red lantern and a better made one based on the New 52 serie
- A 16″ barbie like doll base of her was released as part of DC Star Tonner Dolls.

- Mera is the 108th character released as part of he DC Comics Super Hero Collection
- Mera was released as a part of Ame-Comi Girls, and all female DC collection.
- As part of comic con 2018, DC released many statue collectibles for Mera distributed by Sideshow Collectibles and other companies.

- A bust of Mera was included in the “Women of DC” line.jh
Awards and Honours
Mera was ranked 81st in Comics Buyer’s Guide Presents: 100 Sexiest Women in Comics.