Metal Master


Metal Master comes from the planet Astra, many galaxies far away from Earth. He is the master of all forms of metal – for all metal is made up of atoms – and, with the power of his brain, he can command and control each and every metallic atom. He can cause them to move, to be still, to fly apart, or adhere together.

On the planet Astra, his kind’s sculptors make magnificent statues of metal, forming them, shaping them, by mental command alone. But, of all the Astrans, only the Metal Master was judged a criminal. Only he was sentenced to external exile. For he wanted to use his great power in order to conquer all. For time beyond measure, he roamed the galaxies seeking a planet which was rich in resources – rich in metal. A planet which he could rule.


Metal Master was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1963 and first appeared in The Incredible Hulk # 6.

He has fought the Hulk, Rom, and Scarlet Witch.