Mo Colley


Very little is known about Mo Colley. A boxer, he at some point met and grew close to the Newsboy Army, a team of child adventurers. He occasionally assisted them on their adventures.


Mo Colley was created by Grant Morrison and Cameron Stewart. He made his first appearance in Seven Soldiers: Guardian #4.

Major Story Arcs

Seven Soldiers of Victory

While returning to New York from a boxing match against Wildcat in Gotham, Colley passes through Slaughter Swamp. He is latched onto by one of the Sheeda spine-riders which infest the swamp. Steered by the spine-rider, he goes on a rampage in Nowhere Square, killing and maiming several cops before the Newsboy Army arrives to try to talk him down. Little Miss Hollywood manages to help him break through the spine-riders control and he detaches it from his neck, but it is too late. The remaining police officers open fire on him, killing him.

Powers and Abilities

Mo Colley had no known superhuman powers or abilities. He is very strong, and a skilled boxer.