
Montague is a transient, shady pornographer plus crooked drifter within New York City. Known exclusively by Hemingway as a rotten source for information, during Hemingway’s alliance with the prior Defender Doctor Druid, Hemingway muscled over Montague on information about a false religious cult- The Dry Academy- and its splinter followers Second Assembly in their efforts to create a false god from cadavers and the bodies of maniacs stolen from Nekra in her tenure as priestess to the Cult of Kali. Montague would, after some violence by Hemingway, reveal his resources on the Second Assembly and its whereabouts.

Powers/ Abilities: Montague has no super-powers beyond a lack of conscience and a series of crooked skills to his disposal. Montague is a poor fighter who is a master of cowardice but connected to some aspects within the occult.