Born on Corellia, Myn Donos served as a sniper in the Corellian Defense Forces before joining the New Republic. He was taught how to fly an X-wing by Wes Janson, and after his training was complete, he was given command of Talon Squadron. Tragedy struck during his first mission, as Talon Squadron was ambushed by a group of TIE interceptors under the command of Imperial admiral Apwar Trigit, leaving Donos as the only survivor. The battle left him with severe psychological scars.
Shortly afterward, Janson worked with Wedge Antilles to form a new squadron. Donos was the first pilot selected, in part because Janson took pity on him. His skill as a sniper was another factor, as Antilles intended this group, which would become known as Wraith Squadron, to be used as both a starfighter squadron and a special forces team.
Still recovering from his mental wounds, Donos came across as very cold and withdrawn during the early days of Wraith Squadron. However, he became friendly with Tatooine-born pilot Falynn Sandskimmer, who helped him with his emotional problems.
Sandskimmer was killed in battle against Admiral Trigit’s Star Destroyer Implacable, but during the same battle, he managed to avenge both her and Talon Squadron. The admiral fled the heavily damaged ship in a modified TIE interceptor, which Donos destroyed with a pair of proton torpedoes.
Following this battle, Wraith Squadron welcomed four new pilots to replace those lost in combat. One of these was Lara Notsil, who became romantically involved with Donos. Unbeknownst to him, Notsil was an alias of Gara Petothel, an infiltrator working with Warlord Zsinj, who had engineered the destruction of Talon Squadron. During a mission, fellow Wraith Garik Loran accidentally stated on an open channel that he knew Notsil was really Petothel. Donos immediately attempted to shoot her down, but Loran flew between them at the cost of heavy damage to his X-wing. Commander Antilles opted to list it the attempted shootdown as “accidental”, on the condition that Donos take psychiatric treatment. Donos rejoined the Wraiths in time for a final confrontation with Zsinj. After Wraith Squadron was made a part of New Republic Intelligence, Wedge Antilles personally requested he join Rogue Squadron, which Donos accepted
Donos would later learn that Petothel, now living under the name “Kirney Slane,” had lost her loyalty to Zsinj while working with Wraith Squadron. The two later married and had two children, and also started a transport company called Donoslane Excursions.