Myra Dolman

Myra Dolman wanted the death of her husband Harry. Once they went with their husband to the voodoo wizard Mr. Alvarez. at the reception, he showed them Myra’s doll and lightly touched the doll’s shoulder. Myra immediately got a sore shoulder. After leaving the sorcerer, she thought about him for a long time to kill Harry. She went to the sorcerer and he agreed to give her a doll of her husband. But he warned that black magic has a price. With the help of a doll, Myra broke her husband’s leg. Then the doctor came to them and he did not understand the cause of her husband’s sufferings. During the next doctor visit, Myra decided to kill her husband and pierced Harry’s heart with a needle. When the husband died, the doctor entered the next room where Myra was. He saw Myra and asked what she was doing with the doll in her hand. Myra told the doctor that she would kill him as well as her husband. The doctor thought she was shocked and came closer to Myra. He accidentally knocked over the table on which Myra’s doll stood and Myra fell out of the window. And then he stood on the doll Myra foot and crushed her. Looking out the window the doctor noticed that Myra looks like a broken doll.

Myra appears in the story “Voodoo on Tenth Avenue.” in the Black Magic comic in 1 4 1951.