Mystery Shadow




Not much info on The Night other than she was really a woman in disguise with much of an explanation nor origin story. She and her henchmen were thwarted by reporter Rick Rawson.

Thrilling Nostalgia Comics

The Liberty Brigade

The Night is given a new lease on life in the a pages of The Liberty Brigade. In his new retcon origin story, her secret identity is Alice Davis, who swore revenge on all banks after her childhood was shattered by the foreclosure of her family’s home during The Great Depression. A schemer, Alice works as a bank secretary to steal her employer’s schedules and vault combinations. As the masked criminal The Night, this information allowed her gang to rob bank after bank, except for ones in Chinatown when she encountered the Chinese-American hero Dr. Clewes. Some time later, The Night joined up with Mr. Meek, The Ringmaster, Nadya Burnett, The Green Mummy, and The Black Hand in an attempt restaurant robbery. They were all defeated by The Blue Lady, K the Unknown, Lady Satan, The National Anthem and Kitten, who were having a girl’s night out in their secret identities.