
Nate is a Gen-active with the ability to from super-strong psycho-kinetic “phantom limbs”. He is a former covert operative.

Nate rescued Twenty-Man Tommy (Tommy), Voodoo Doll (Sadie), and Trauma Queen (Leslie). They comprise an unofficial superteam, jokingly named after the Mongolian Barbecue restaurant they frequent (“The Mongolian Barbecue Horde” or “The Spicy Hunan Defenders”). The other members look to Nate as their leader.

On their first encounter, Gen-13 and Nate’s team were induced into antagonizing and fighting each other by a pair of criminal telepaths. Nate and Fairchild fought each other until Leslie intervened to counter the psychic rage effects. Nate and his team became friends and allies to Gen 13.

Nate quickly befriended Caitlin Fairchild as they are both highly intelligent and intellectual. Nate’s teammates speculated that Nate had become a romantic love interest for Caitlin. He was, in fact, involved with Caitlin in a story that took place in Caitlin’s psyche when the members of Gen 13 were killed.

Nate enlisted the aid of a Gen-Active blood congress to find a device to counteract the unnatural disasters in California caused by the release of Gen 13’s powers.

Nate has not appeared since 2002.

Powers and Abilities

Nate is able to manifest “phantom limbs” or psychic energies that allow him to make energy-based arms and legs of any size or shape. While his “phantom limbs” give him super strength, he is also capable of controlling them at a fine, surgical-like level such as when he used them to reach into Leslie’s throat and remove a Gen-active skin cancer attempting to infect Leslie’s lungs.

Nate is an accomplished soldier by training.