Natt the Hat

Natt the Hat grew up in a bad neighborhood in Gotham City. To escape his situation, he enlisted with the United States Marine Corps. While in basic training, he met Tommy Monaghan, who saved him from two fellow recruits who were mugging the other marines. Tommy and Natt were sent to Iraq during the Persian Gulf War, and accidentally killed a group of British S.A.S. agents who they’d thought were Iraqi soldiers. After the war, Natt moved to Detroit and joined the Rollin’ Sixties gang. When his mother died, he returned to Gotham and reconnected with his friend Tommy. The two, along with other friends suck as Hacken and Ringo and Pat, would operate out of a corner bar called Noonan’s.

Natt and Tommy seemingly perished protecting an innocent woman from murderous government forces.

In memory of Natt, a framed picture of him with his friends Tommy and Hacken is kept behind the bar at Noonan’s.

‘Batman and Robin’ #27, (March 2014)