Normalhead Regulararms


In the television show “Ball Fondlers” (a Rick and Morty universe TV show), Normalhead Regulararms is the leader of the Rebel Oligarchist Front, an organization that apparently hates the United States.


Written by Andrew MacLean and drawn by Nick Filardi.

Major Story Arcs

Normalhead Regulararms laughs at Benjamin and Attila Starwars‘s attempt to free an imprisoned United States Senator. He laughs again when Benjamin fails to properly throw a grenade. When the grenade does go off, Regulararms orders his men to follow the escaping members of the Ball Fondlers team. Shortly thereafter, Regulararms surrounds the Ball Fondlers team and laughs at their plight, as he feels that he has all the power. Benjamin arrives, however, and shrugs off a barrage of bullets. Seeing that he is no match for Benjamin, Regulararms offer Benjamin anything he wants. Regularms is then ignored as the episode ends in explosions and as an advertisement for Clarg Lite beer.


Despite his name, Normalhead Regulararms has neither a normal head nor regular arms. His head is made of the whole body of a miniature horse and his arms are actually pythons.