Olivia Carr


Little is known about Olivia before she is found in the Joker’s hideout. It is still unclear if she was always working with the Dollmaker or if he brainwashed her later in life.


Olivia Carr was created by Detective Comics writer/artist Tony Daniel.

Major Story Arcs

Detective Comics: Faces of Death- Dollmaker

Olivia is first found by Batman in the wreckage of one of Joker’s hideouts. She’s later picked up by her “uncle” who turns out to be a criminal working for Dollmaker, named Ray Quimby. She’s locked up by the Dollmaker, who eventually brainwashes her into joining his family. She later comes in contract with the captured Jim Gordon, suggesting they try to contact Batman. Gordon knowing that Olivia is probably on Dollmaker’s side, still goes along with the plan, believing it’s his best shot regardless, giving her a note with a secret message for Batman to watch his back. Olivia meets Batman on the roof of the GCPD building, giving him Gordon’s note, as she’s left in the care of a police officer. The officer turns out to be corrupt, wanting to bring her to the criminals offering money for her, but Olivia kills him by slitting his throat.

Later she helps Gordon escape by cutting his bonds, and stabbing Orifice in the back and possibly killing him before he could get to Gordon. After Gordon is rescued, and the the Dollmaker’s family is put away, Olivia is taken to Arkham for observation.

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