
The Wolf Riders are Elves who are lead by Cutter, son of Bear Claw. They ride and communicate with wolves who they treat as family members. Although most Elves have near eternal life, the Wolf Riders do not since their blood is mixed with that of the wolves. Never-the-less they still live for hundreds of years. They are also much shorter than their pure blood Elf cousins.

One-Eye is recognised with Clearbrook, and they have brought up one cubling Scouter, who grows up to challenge Ember to become the wolfrider chieftain.

One-Eye journeys through the desert with the original Wolfriders, and when Savah sends Sun-Top out to find Cutter, One-Eye is one of the few captured by the Gliders and brought back to Blue Mountain, along with Moonshade, Pike, and Strongbow.

After soon as Cutter became chief, Strongbow challenged him for that right but loses. One-Eye was there to coll Strongbow down and maintain tribe-unity.