Paul Revere


Paul Revere is the leader of the Military Post-Human team, called Paul Revere and the Son’s Of Liberty. He has the strength of Ten Men, and Super-Charisma, allowing him to manipulate people against the Authority. Up until their deal with Bendix, all members of this team were Ninety and beyond, and stationed in various retirement homes across the US.

Authority Revolution

First seen out of retirement, Paul Revere was seen instilling hate against the Authority, leading to an attack on the police force in Philadelphia, impaling officers on the American flag; he also dealt with the army when they attended the scene. The Son’s of Liberty’s attack on Philadelphia was a strike against the Authority, with Paul Revere using his powers to instigate hate for the current leaders of America.

Paul is the leader of the Son’s Of Liberty, and as such is the most balanced and patient of the group, holding the most amount of respect from the rest of the team-mates. Paul’s also the most dedicated to the cause, and looks at the big picture rather than smaller events, citing that a few people had to die in order to free the country, in response to Maiden America‘s conscience.

The Son’s of Liberty attacked more cities over the coming days, such as Chicago, Kansas City, and Minneapolis. In Dallas, a short confrontation occurred, when Apollo was smashed into a building, trying to attack the Son’s Of Liberty.

Shortly after this, the Son’s, and Paul were attacked directly at Washington by the Authority.  Paul ended up fighting Jack Hawksmoor until he was De-aged by Bendix pulling the plug on their age-reduction, and killed when Dyno-Mite exploded next to Fallout, killing everyone in the immediate area, who wasn’t part of the Authority.