Paulette Brazee


Paulette undercover as She-Wolf
Paulette undercover as She-Wolf

Known by code-name the She-Wolf, Paulette is an French spy during World War II who goes undercover in the German military. She uses her undercover position to aid the Allied powers, including the heroes Bucky Barnes, Captain America (Steve Rogers), and the original Citizen V ( John Watkins Sr.) against the German army, even seducing and sleeping with Baron Heinrich Zemo to gain information. During the course of the war and her interactions with John Watkins, Paulette eventually falls in love with him, and he her. They had intercourse at least once before Baron Zemo discovers the ruse. John Watkins and the rest of Battalion V arre lead into a trap by Baron Heinrich Zemo which results in many deaths including John Watkins, and a majority of Battalion V. Paulette survives and is transported back to England.


Paulette was created for use in Marvel comics by writers Barbara Randall Kesel and Kurt Busiek. Her first appearance is in Captain America Annual #1998- V For Victory… Again! released in January 1999.

Major Story Arcs

The Second Citizen V

Paulette Brazee as the second Citizen V
Paulette Brazee as the second Citizen V

Following the death of John Watkins Sr., Paulette (who is pregnant at the time) is whisked away to safety and England by those loyal to her, soldiers that survived the ambush which took John Sr.’s life. Upon arriving in England, Paulette meets a soldier and the two become acquainted and eventually marry. When the reformation of Battalion V is completed the role of the new Citizen V is bestowed upon Paulette, who along with the rest of the Battalion are given the mission of hunting down and capturing Nazi war criminals who have thus far evaded capture by allied forces. A few years later Paulette is sent on a mission to locate and bring back Johann Weimer, a Nazi scientist during the war who has knowledge and skills useful to Battalion V. In the course of the mission the Everlasting kill Johann Weimer, ending Paulette’s mission and rending it a failure.

Paulette’s ultimate fate is left open, though her son John Watkins Jr. inherits the role of Citizen V from her.

Powers and Abilities

Paulette was trained by the French military to be an undercover agent during World War II, and as such she is a skilled hand to hand combatant, excellent marksman with a rifle and handgun, espionage, able to gain the trust of people easily, and has powers of seduction.