After being laid off during the aftermath of Brainiac 13‘s attack, Cole Parker became obsessed with the 31’st century villain Persuader, and convinced most of his factory workers to follow in his methods of “persuading” the chief of the Daily Planet, Perry White, who he thought was personally biased against him and other working class individuals, by attacking his office with handmade axes and wrecking the place. They were going to assault Perry himself before Superman quickly and easily disarmed the group, letting Parker’s axe break off his skin (Parker himself was ignorant of Clark’s super durability) before taking him in to custody.
While in prison, Cole met a mysterious (and unnamed) cellmate, who promised him that he could get the power he so desperately wanted.
Persuader was created by Joe Casey, and first appeared (out of costume) in Adventures of Superman #598 – A Call For Help.
Major Story Arcs
Cult of Persuasion
During the night, Cole is awoken by his cellmate, and the pair of them escape from their cell using the supernatural powers that his cellmate has, starting a prison riot. During this, Cole’s cellmate blasts him with a bolt of lighting, and he is transformed into a exact replica of the Persuader, along with his own Atomic Axe. He manages to escape his prison and heads to the Daily Planet, having formed his army of axe welding workers again. Using his new found powers, he pounds at the building with his axe, which causes it to shake uncontrollably as he slices through the foundations.
Eventually, Superman arrives again, but is attacked by the workers. Despite the fact that they have no powers and can’t hurt him, Clark finds it difficult to find a safe method of getting them out of the way without hurting them, eventually settling with using his super breath as crowd control. Superman tries to bullrush Persuader after failing to talk him down, but his Atomic Axe sends him flying to space with a single swing. While he is away, Persuader damages the building even more, causing dozens of windows to crash and for the building to shake even more, getting it close to falling over. Clark returns from space and smashes into Persuader to get him away from the badly damaged building, sending him flying all the way to Stryker’s Island. Battling there, Persuader lands multiple blows on Clark, hurting him and knocking him down, before using the axe to slice a dimensional hole accidentally to Krypton in the process, before it was destroyed.
While Clark is confused, he uses the heat vision while Cole is ranting to create a hole around him by melting the ground, which sends him falling away. The dimensional hole is closed, and all that remains of Cole is his Atomic Axe, which Superman takes to place within the Fortress of Solitude for safe keeping.
Suicide Squad
Cole as the Persuader would later show up somehow as apart of the Suicide Squad a few months later, attacking Black Adam, his wife Isis, and her brother, Oasis. During the battle Persuader would beat down and wound Isis badly, which enraged Oasis to the point that he charged full force at him, unintentionally killing Persuader by ripping through his entire mid section in the process. Horrified by what had occurred, Oasis would retreat with the rest of his family.
Powers and Abilities
Cole had no powers until he was granted them by a unknown individual. After that event, he was given a exact replica of Persuader’s suit, his Atomic Axe, and was also seemingly given super strength and durability as he was able to brawl with Superman. As well as this, his physical body was recreated to mimic Persuader’s as he became much taller and obtained a significant amount of muscle mass.
Persuader was also able to control dozens of people into following his commands: through this seemed to be specifically based around a certain group of people (individuals who had been apart of his first group when he had no powers) and was limited to simple commands, like following him around or attacking people.
It is unknown if this Persuader’s Atomic Axe will go on to become the one used by his 31st century counterpart: as it was seen to be unbreakable by magic, this could imply that it would last until such time where it would be obtained. Interestingly enough, this leads to a time paradox, as the 31st Persuader and his Axe inspired Cole to become the Persuader, and Cole in turn provided the Atomic Axe that would inspire the birth of the Persuader in the 31st century, and so on.