Phantom Zone God

The Phantom Zone God is a primordial being who grew and evolved within the penal dimension known as the Phantom Zone. Due to many civilizations living adjacent to its home reality used it’s stomping grounds as a prison for their societal refuse, the creature was harmed greatly by the negative emotions spawned from the dark minds of our universe’s criminals. Like Nekron before it, the omnipotent entity sought to snuff out the antipathic socioapathy that hurt it by eradicating all life in the universe. Using the very energy signatures that Lex Luthor had been studying and searching for in an attempt to acquire a power ring to breach into the main marvel reality. The maniacal madman bonded his consciousness using Kryptonian Phantom Drive technology, obtaining the absolute ultimate power that he’d sought after. After having experienced the complexity of sentient life though, through their forced union, it decided to defend life with its last living action. By making it so Luthor could do no wrong with the power he’d taken. An inkling of the Zone Child survived the de-fusion, taking to wondering the cosmos to find a new place within it.