Phillip Jones


The character named Phillip “Phil” Jones was created by Mark Gruenwald and first appeared as the loving spouse of member Arcanna Jones of the Squadron Supreme #1-The Utopia Principle.


The character Arcanna is from the universe of Earth-712 as do the other Squadron Supreme team members, are parallels to the DC Universe characters from the Justice League. Arcanna would have a large family with Phillip Jones, her husband. Phillip was a loving and supportive spouse who was the person who inspired Arcanna to fight crime with her powers. Phillip and arcaan would have three children originally Drusilla, Katrina, and Andrew. All the children would have some degree of mystical arts due to the way Arcanna and Phil, who was still only human, chose to raise them. As a sorceress and superhero Arcanna had a duty to be at the side of her partners at arms the Squadron Supreme. But she found herself torn as she had less and less time to raise her family.

Phil and the kids lived in the hidden home in a forest within Pommerschen, New York which Arcanna had cast a illusion to hide the residence from the outside world. When the Squadron City was built he would later move from their home to the base. He met and became close friends with the Whizzer and his wife Madeline Stewart. Their children would go on to become playmates with each other and the Squadron member the Shape. He would be present at the Squadron Medical complex when her baby brother Benjamin Jones was born.

Shortly after Benyamin’s birth Arcanna and the Squadron were sent away to the Earth-612 universe by the Nth-Man. Philip would have to stay with the children but returned to their former home in Pommerschen, New York. Soon the Squadron members returned back to their own universe with the help of Iron Man, but their world had changed, and was now under the control of the Global Directorate. Arcanna returned to her hidden former home to inform Phil that their son had sacrificed himself to save that universe. Nth Man who was now known as Mysterium contacted her and told her to stay home with her family as the Squadron Supreme was going down a road in which they would be without her. Due to her having to retrain her magic since the magic in her originally had changed Arcanna retired from adventuring to be with her family fully.