

A large overweight recluse, Plague identifies more with his hacker name than his birth name. Plague is an associate of Lisbeth Salander also a fellow hacker, and the two could be described as having a friendship, something neither have an excess of. Plague is known to help Lizbeth out with computer and tech problems now and then. On one occasion Plague with the assistance of Mikael Blomkvist even assisted Lisbeth as she was under arrest and in hospital.


Plague appears in the graphic novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, released by Vertigo adapted and based off the novel series Millennium by Stieg Larsson. The character also appears in the original book series and the numerous movie adaptations.

Powers and Abilities

Plague has no superhuman powers and abilities. Although large and out of fitness, Plague is an incredible computer expert and infamous as one of the worlds best hackers.

Other Media


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2005)

Plaque has a minor role in the first Millennium novel written by Stieg Larsson.

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (2007)

Plaque has another miner role in the sequel to The Girl Who Played With Fire, assisting Lisbeth who is being kept under confinement in hospital.


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

In the Americanized movie adaptation of the Millennium book series Plague is portrayed by Tony Way.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)

A movie adaptation of the Millennium book series Plague is portrayed by Tomas Köhler.

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest (2009)

The third and final chapter of the movie adaptations of the Millennium book trilogy Plaque is portrayed by Tomas Köhler.