
Note: Prophecy was first mentioned in Superman 14 and seen by only his hand but fully introduced in Superman 15



In this story arc, Prophecy is after all the Supermen across the multiverse. He sees it as his duty to save the universe, since a threat is coming really soon (according to Prophecy). Therefore, he drains their powers, becoming more powerful and leaving them weakened and powerless. He has Imprisoned various incarnations of Superman, such as: Super-Man, Calvin Ellis, Superdemon and many, many more.

Prophecy isn't dead, but imprisoned by Mr. Oz.
Prophecy isn’t dead, but imprisoned by Mr. Oz.

However, with the help of main earth’s Superman, the Supermen find a way to escape and regain their powers. During the a fight with the Supermen, Prophecy vanished. Later revealed he was transported and imprisoned by Mr. Oz.


Dimensional Travel: Prophecy is able to traverse the multiverse.

Power Absorption: Prophecy was able to train the powers of multiple Supermen and Superwomen.

Energy Projection: Prophecy incinerated The Justice League of Assassins in two seconds.

Size Alteration: Is able to change his size.