
Rashem and his cohort Gregory happened to be put in the same cell as Kevin Matchstick when he was arrested after his battle with the Marhault Ogre.  Kevin, still unused to his life as a superhero, began rambling about his powers, and his friend Mirth the magician, to his cellmates.  They, of course, didn’t believe him, although Rashem said he would believe it if Mirth was black, because he did believe in the voodoo form of magic.

Rashem and Gregory talking with Kevin in jail
Rashem and Gregory talking with Kevin in jail

Kevin eventually offered to prove it, and asked Rashem to punch him in the stomach.  He did, and Kevin folded like a bad hand in poker.  He didn’t understand why he could fight an ogre one minute, but be beaten by a common hood the next.  At that moment, Mirth appeared.  He explained that Kevin’s powers only worked if they were used to advance the Struggle, and not for boasting.  They would, however, let him rip off the bars to his cell, and so that is what Kevin did.  As the heroes wandered off, Rashem stepped out of the cell himself.  Mirth sent back a spell to fix the bars and erase their memory of the event, but it missed Rashem because he was out of the cell, and only hit Gregory.
At that point, the Umbra Sprite sent his Shade (basically his astral form) to Rashem,  He appeared as a black shape chained to the prison bars, and called upon Rashem to aid him in the name of the loa, or the voodoo gods; he claimed to actually be Rashem’s own Gros Bon Ange, or great big spirit.  He told him he needed to kill Kevin.  Rashem, believing the shade, agreed.  In return for his aid, the Umbra Sprite gave him a magic staple gun, and released Gregory as well.
They tailed the heroes outside, but eventually lost them.  Testing the gun, they found that it had great destructive power.

The power of the staple gun
The power of the staple gun

Gregory, who was never as seduced by the idea of magic as Rashem, eventually left.  Rashem, however, stayed on the streets for more than a year, looking for his targets, and seemed to be more and more mentally unstable.  The Umbra Sprite described him as a dog guarding the back door.  Finally he came across them, and took a shot at Mirth, shooting off one of his leg wrappings.  Edsel confidently strode toward him, preparing to take care of him.  Rashem, however, shot her right in the stomach, and killed her.  The Bat flew out of her hands, and Kevin caught it.  In that instant, the Bat changed from glowing green to glowing white: it had fallen into the hands of its true master, and become Excalibur, weapon of the Pendragon.  Kevin, unable to control himself, decapitated Rashem with the Bat, an action that led him to doubt, once again, whether he could morally continue in this new role: was he a murderer or a warrior?

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