

Ravendiablo was created by Miko Montgomery. Originally appearing in a prose novel titled Raven Diablo: Agent of Kali (Dec, 2010), that was rereleased as Ravendiablo: Agent of Kali (Sep, 2021), followed by the comic (June, 2022)

Miko’s description:

Introducing Ravendiablo: Agent of Kali

Ravendiablo is a warrior/assassin trained in combat tactics, firearms, blades, gymnastics, magic, and a variety of martial arts systems. Her varied skills are formidable, and they serve her well. Ravendiablo is a killer. But no one dies who’s not supposed to.

Ravendiablo is employed by a secret, international organization with headquarters in Las Vegas. The organization targets human traffickers and pedophiles for termination.

Character Development

In the prose novel, Raven’ sees a young girl being kidnapped in a park. She runs over the kidnapper, killing him, and is arrested. The judge saw something in her, and sentenced her to a special kind of community service in a mysterious retirement home on the outskirts of Vegas. There, she met residents who were all experts at what they did, and who imparted their skills to her. She learned well, and went back to Vegas to wind up taking on the Kavianis.

The comic sort of starts over, but doesn’t tell you all of that origin story. It just jumps in with her having the skills- particularly Wuxia martial arts- and going on a mission to kill human traffickers and pedophiles.