

Born in the 5th century Germany, Ravyn was born the daughter of a Hun warlord. Ravyn was captured by Theo during one of the Goth’s frequent raids against her people. Theo thereafter turned her over to the Triarchs for their diabolical experiment to imbue her with the power of the vampire lord Despair (who is trapped within the sword Despair). The experiment turned her, Glyph and Theo into a vampire. Since being turned, she has been obsessed with her goal of bringing Despair back to Earth.


Ravyn is created by Mark Seifert and William Christensen.

Powers & Abilities

Ravyn exhibits great strength, mind control, durability, and to a degree, shape changing. She has uncanny personal authority and willpower, and a fellow vampire could disobey her will only with great effort. Ravyn also retains a vestige of knowledge of the modern vampire’s lost patron – the elder vampire Despair.

Other Media

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Rendition Figures released Ravyn action figures, with several color variants, in 1998.

Known variants are:

  • red costume (portrayed)
  • blue costume
  • gold costume
  • white costume
  • purple costume (with blood coming from mouth)