

Prince Rijian of Aegena, also known as Regent was the heir to the throne of the Directorate in the parallel earth know as Aegena. Having comptemp for his birthright and being declared an outcast and stripped of his rights, Rijian still keep his loyalty towards the Directorate and to his father.

When the warrior of the Protectorate known as Union killed his father, Rijian decided to avenge his father death. He followed Union to earth where he captured Union associates Jill Monroe and Eliya. The clash with Union, before Rijian being ready to fight him, forced the Regent to in his body a second syntetic justice stone, causing a breach in space, devoring Regent and Eliya. Union along with Jill, survived the experience.

Powers and Abilities

As all the warriors of the Directorate and the Protectorate, Regent was the wielder of a Justice Stone, a living mineral than imbued him with a variety of powers, including super strength, flight, energy manipulation and a staff composed of pure energy. In the case of Regent he used a syntetic Justice stone of his own creation which granted him greater powers. Regent also possessed great scientific knowledge and whe he was on earth was capable of acces to great amounts of money.