

Much of Renzo’s earlier life is unknown; however, at some point he met Paolo and became his body guard.


Renzo was created by Eric Powell for ‘The Goon’ comic series.

Major Story Arcs

The Goon Volume Three

When The Goon and Franky barge into Paolo’s barbershop demanding that Paolo pay his debt to Labrazio; Renzo is tasked with tossing them out. Eventually Franky and The Goon return to the shop; however, they attempt to break in, a disturbance that alerts Renzo who begins to chase the two down. He chases them to a nearby building which is filled with zombies that then surround Renzo and tear him apart. Renzo’s corpse is then hung in the center of town by The Goon & Franky to send a message to Paolo and the rest of his boys.