A writer named Pam Daly created the characters of Roadkill and Splat the Cat, who acted as horror movie hosts in a low-budget, late night show. Their backstory was that they’d been killed in a hit and run on Route 66.
Because the TV characters were a source of fear in the world, the image and likeness of Roadkill was animated by the Fear Lords. Roadkill fought Doctor Strange, Clea, and Rintrah.
After this fight, Nightmare lost control of Roadkill and Splat. Roadkill and Splat believed the backstroy that Pam Daly wrote fot them to be true. They began attacking innocent drivers, searching the fictional driver who “killed” them. The Defenders, consisting of Dr. Strange, Punisher, Namorita, and Sleepwalker, took on Roadkill. During the battle, Namorita nearly died, and had it not been for Sleepwalker’s reluctant return to the battle, the group would have lost. Eventually they tracked Roadkill to LA, where he attacked Pam Daly, the writer who created and “killed” him. The defenders overpowered him, and used a spell to imprison him in Daly’s imagination, though Doctor Strange beleived there was a chance he might be able to escape.
Roadkill was created by Roy Thomas. He first appeared in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #38.
Powers and Abilities
Roadkill was supernaturally tough, and incredibly strong. He was able to “possess” vehicles, causing them to be wreathed in hellfire.