Ron Evers grew up in Suicide Slums and realized that people had to do amoral or illegal things just to survive. Ron was friends with Vic Stone. Vic followed Ron wherever he went until Ron’s behavior grew worse. When Vic’s father Silas transformed him into a Cyborg, Ron began to wonder what became of his friend. Ron later finds out that Silas’ employers at S.T.A.R Labs are promoting Cyborg’s technological advancements for military applications. Ron decides to save his friend by rigging S.T.A.R. Labs to blow shy high. Cyborg appreciated Ron’s concern but he couldn’t allow Ron to hurt any innocent people. The two friends fight on the roof of S.T.A.R. Labs and Ron seemingly falls to his death. Cyborg then hurls the bomb into the air so the damage was minimal.
Technicians from S.T.A.R. Labs found Ron’s body and their robotics engineer Elias Orr transformed Evers into another Cyborg similar to Vic Stone. Orr put Evers abilities to use in the Middle East. However, Ron still maintained his memories and he wanted revenge on those who made him a technological monster. Evers attacked Orr and S.T.A.R. Labs but this brought him into conflict with the Teen Titans. In the end, Vic rips Ron’s cybernetic implants, rendering him immobile.
Vic did all he could to give Ron back some degree of humanity and now Evers looks a bit more human aside from the loss of his left eye. Evers then becomes a neophyte/ minister of a radical religious sect known as the Church of Anti-Technocracy. Ron preaches to his followers that they must denounce all technological advancements. Ron’s crusade again brought him into conflict with Cyborg but Ron confesses that their last battle had saved him spiritually as well as physically. Ron pleads with Vic to give up his dependency on technological enhancements but Cyborg tells Ron that there is a reason why he became Cyborg. The accident that transformed Vic gave him a purpose and that is to save the innocent.
Doom Patrol Web Series
Ron Evers is re-imagined as a female love interest of Cyborg’s on the Doom Patrol web series. She is a disabled veteran that Cyborg meets at a group therapy meeting.