

Rose is a sorceress from the Middle Ages. She travels through various futures to defeat potential evils.

Major Story Arcs

Garden Warfare

Rose appears in present-day Neighborville via a time portal and immediately starts turning zombies into goats. Patrice and Nate stumble upon her trail of goats and follow her into the mall, where they see her. She smiles and disappears.

Rose later meets the future versions of Nate and Patrice and helps them battle the zombies. She fights Super Brainz but is unable to defeat him. Finally, on Nate’s advice, she casts an illusion making Super Brainz think the zombies are plants, and he defeats much of the zombie army. Then they find a mirror and use it to trick Super Brainz into forever worshipping his own awesomeness in its reflection.

Rose helps mop up the rest of the zombies and then presumably returns to her own time.

Powers & Abilities

Rose can turn zombies (and perhaps other creatures) into goats with a focused beam or a unidirectional blast from her wand. Some beings are “too powerful” for her transformations, such as Super Brainz.

She can also project energy bolts, akin to lightning, from her wand, which are capable of destroying a Z-Mech in one shot.

She can telekinetically move objects with her wand. Her upper limit is unknown, but she has moved torso-sized chunks of concrete.

She can cast illusions. For instance, she was able to make a group of zombies look like plants.

Rose can time travel and teleport spatially. She can also fly.

She can see various potential futures.

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