Salamander was a member of the Lizard League. Although slight in stature, he is a formidable opponent and a member of the League’s team of superhumanly-powered enforcers. Confrontations with heroes like Invincible, Atom Eve, and Shapesmith have all ended badly for the Salamander, resulting in a steady cycle of incarceration quickly followed by a breakout repeated over and over again. He is believed to have escaped imprisonment most recently during a botched breakout attempt by Doc Seismic. Those individuals who might face him would do well to remember that Salamander is a ruthless individual who would not hesitate to use his deadly powers to achieve his or the League’s criminal goals. How Salamander acquired his powers is at this time unknown.
Character Information
Height: 5′ 9″
Weight:160 lbs
Eyes: Unrevealed
Hair: Unrevealed
Strength level: It is not known whether Salamander possesses strength greater than a man his build, age, and height who engages in regular exercise.
Known superpowers
Salamander’s primary offensive and defensive capabilities lie in the poisonous alkaloids found in his skin that produce the extremely potent neurotoxin batrachotoxin and its derivatives. Batrachotoxin is one of the most potent venoms known. It is a neurotoxin that affects the nervous system; all the diverse pharmacological effects result from the depolarization of nerve and muscle fibers due to increased sodium ion permeability of the excitable cell membrane. Extrapolating from the lethal dosage LD50 (Lethal dose, 50%) in rats, the lethal dose of this alkaloid in humans is estimated to be 100 to 200 grams per kilogram. Thus, the lethal dose for a 150-pound person would be approximately 100 micrograms, or equivalent to the weight of two grains of ordinary table salt. Batrachotoxin is more potent than curare and about 10 times more potent than tetrodotoxin from the puffer fish. The toxin is released through colorless or milky secretions from glands sequestered throughout Salamander’s body. Contact with the toxin can cause almost instantaneous paralysis and death within moments. Salamander can selectively control the release of the poisonous toxins in his body so as to not endanger his associates or those he does not wish to immobilize or kill through physical contact.
Salamander utilizes a series of “toe pads” throughout his uniform to help grip vertical surfaces and climb and cling to walls. These pads, located on the ends of his fingers and toes, do not work by suction. Rather, the surface of the pad consists of interlocking cells with a small gap between adjacent cells. When Salamander applies pressure to the pads, the interlocking cells grip irregularities on the substrate. The small gaps between the cells drain away all but a thin layer of moisture on the pad and maintain a grip through capillarity. This allows Salamander to grip smooth surfaces but does not function when the pads are excessively wet.
A trait Salamander shares with the salamander of myth is a high degree of invulnerability to open flame and heat. His uniform is a blend of inorganic and nanocomposite polymers that provide a high degree of fire resistance, the exact level of which is unknown.
Like his amphibian namesake, Salamander is as equally adept at surviving underwater for prolonged periods of time as he is functioning on dry land.