Sam Slade: Robo-Hunter created by writer John Wagner and artists Ian Gibson and Jose Luis Ferrer (who co-illustrated the first three episodes with Gibson). He appears in British anthology comic 2000AD.
He has a grand-daughter, Samantha Slade, who has carried on the robo-hunting tradition, assisted by Sam’s original droid ‘helpers’ Hoagy and Stogie.
Sam Slade story index (2000AD)
The original John Wagner/Alan Grant run
- Verdus (progs 76-84 and 100-112) (John Wagner – Ian Gibson (with Ferrer, parts 1-3)) (22 episodes)
- Day of the Droids (progs 152-174) (John Wagner – Ian Gibson) (23 episodes)
- The Beast of Blackheart Manor (progs 259-265) (Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (7 episodes)
- The Filby Case (progs 266-272) (Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (7 episodes)
- The Killing of Kidd (progs 275-281) (Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (7 episodes)
- Football Crazy (progs 283-288) (John Wagner and Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (6 episodes)
- Play it Again Sam (progs 292-307) (John Wagner and Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (16 episodes)
- The Slaying of Slade (progs 312-330) (John Wagner and Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (19 episodes)
- Sam Slade’s Last Case (progs 331-334) (John Wagner and Alan Grant – Ian Gibson) (4 episodes)
- Farewell, My Billions (progs 435-443) (John Wagner – Ian Gibson) (9 episodes)
- Hoagy’s First Case (2000AD Annual 1984) (Alan Grant – Ian Gibson)
The Mark Millar/Peter Hogan era
- untitled ‘Rogue Cop’ (progs 723-734) (Mark Millar – Jose Casanovas) (12 episodes)
- Escape from Bisleyland (progs 750-759) (Mark Millar – Anthony Williams) (10 episodes)
- Return to Verdus (progs 793-802) (Mark Millar – Jose Casanovas) (10 episodes)
- Ace of Slades (progs 813-816) (Mark Millar – Anthony Williams) (4 episodes)
- Serial Stunners (progs 819-822) (Mark Millar – Jose Casanovas) (4 episodes)
- Keith the Killer Robot (progs 825-827) (Mark Millar – Ron Smith) (3 episodes)
- Winnegan’s Fake (progs 852-854) (Peter Hogan – Rian Hughes) (3 episodes)
- The Robotic Revenge of Dr Robotski (progs 881-884) (Mark Millar – Simon Jacob) (4 episodes)
- Metrobolis (progs 904-911) (Peter Hogan – Rian Hughes) (8 episodes)
- Something for the Weekend, Sir? (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1992) (John Smith – Chris Weston)
- Fax and Deductions (2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1994) (Peter Hogan – Simon Jacob)
- Slade Runner (2000AD Yearbook 1994) (Peter Hogan – Rian Hughes)
Reprint series
- Robo-Hunter(Eagle Comics) 1-5 (1985) (reprints Verdus)
- Sam Slade: Robo-Hunter (Quality Comics) 1-31 (1986-1989) (reprints the original John Wagner/Alan Grant run from Verdus to Farewell, My Billions)
Graphic novels (Titan)
- Robo-Hunter books 1-2 – Verdus (1982)
- Robo-Hunter books 3-4 – Day of the Droids (1984-1985)
Graphic novels (Rebellion)
- Robo-Hunter – Verdus (2004)
- Robo-Hunter – Day of the Droids (2005)
- Robo-Hunter – Play it Again, Sam (2005)
- The Droid Files 1 (2009) (reprints Verdus to the Killing of Kidd)
- The Droid Files 2 (2010) (reprints Football Crazy to Farewell, My Billions)