Scarlet Ann Starfox


Scarlet Ann Starfox was raised by a loving family on the space station Alopex. Her father was a solar strike force general, her mother was an Astrologist, her sister being an astro-navigator and her big brother Travas Avery Starfox. She always admired her brother Travas and aspired to be a pilot just like him, but on her fourth birthday Travas planned to take her on a flight on his fighter plane, but was attacked by three felin thugs and got fatally stabbed and robbed from his paper credits. Scarlet watched in horror as her brother got murdered while she was hiding. The thugs managed to escape being captured and were never brought to law. From this incident she harbored a deep hatred for felin that grow over the years.

After years of training, she joined Solar Strike Force and become a pilot. But later was attacked on her space station by alien forces who destroyed the station thus killing it’s inhabitants. she managed to escape with her team and later joined the Extinctioners.

Powers and abilities

Scarlet main power are super strength and flight. it’s seems she can also engulf her body in energy shield as to protect from damage.