

The Beginning

Scud was bought by a worker from Marvin’s Manikens due to the miss happenings of the labor force being eaten, by some sort of monster. Scud’s job was to kill the monster, self-destruct, and save the company money. The monster Scud is set to kill, Jeff, has arms for legs, giant mouse trap hands, a mouth on both knees, a squid strapped on the font of her chest and an electrical plug-in head. Scud’s mission changes when he realizes that if he kills Jeff, he will self-destruct. After he notices an “Attention!” label sign on his back in a restroom mirror.

So, to save his own life he shoots the limbs off of Jeff, which puts her in the hospital. Now Scud is faced with a bill of three franks a month, and on top it all he has to get the money in before the month is up or the hospital is going to pull the plug on Jeff’s and Scud’s life.



So Scud takes up freelance assassinations and meets his first client Tony Tastey at an airport. Tony pays Scud to kill Barry Polipooey, a terrorist that’s locked up in the Mark Goodson State Penn. He takes care of the target and goes nuts after getting damaged in the fight with the prison guards. Scud’s adventures continue with new jobs, the encounter with Caption Jack Jones after the prison incident. Scud runs into Drywall in his second job and the two become close friends. He later becomes friends with Oswald, Hank Gritt (Sussudio’s father) and falls in love with Sussudio (a.k.a Black Octopus). Scud becomes enemies with System, Voodoo Ben Franklin, and Spidergod (a.k.a Marvin).

“E” was not the End of Scud

Published in 1998 by Fireman Press LTD., issue #20, was what seemed to be the end of Scud: the Disposable Assassin. The issue ends Scud’s story on a black note with the death of someone very close to Scud’s already broken heart. But, in 2008 Image Comics published issue #21.

With the publication of issue #21 being part one of four, the fight to save the ones he loved was not over yet. Scud’s misfortunes seem to escalate with the Angels and throughout this four part series, the loss of his close friends continues. Just as Scud was giving up in part three of the series, his friend Drywall and his brother Mess come back from hell after killing their brother System. Scud, Drywall, Mess, Hank Gritt, and Horse go to heaven to defeat the Angels and to save Sussudio’s life. Scud’s story ends with what one can only say a happily ever after.

Other Media

Video Games

Scud: The Disposable Assassin

A side-scrolling action video game released on February 28, 1997 for the Sega Saturn game console. It was developed by SegaSoft and Syrox Developments.

Scud: Industrial Evolution

A top-down action video game released on August 25, 1997 for Windows-compatible PCs. It was developed by SegaSoft.


Indie Spotlight Series 1 by Shocker Toys

Scud was turned into an action figure by Shocker Toys in the first wave of their Indie Spotlight Series, released in 2009. A variant of this figure was also released at the same time, which was of Sol, another model of disposable assassin seen in the original comics.


Film by Oliver Stone

In 1997, Oliver Stone’s company, Illusion Entertainment had optioned to make Scud into a feature film. However, the project was abandoned and the film rights eventually expired.


MTV Animated series

In the early 2000s, Scud was optioned as an animated series by MTV. Schrab was heavily involved in the production, but a change in management at MTV caused the project to be cancelled.


On the television show Community, an animated Scud can be seen in the GI. Jeff episode.

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