General InformationReal Name:ScytherAliases:Mantis PokemonSichlorCompany:NintendoCreator:NoneGender:OtherCharacter Type:AnimalFirst Appearance:Pocket Monster Special #1 - Volume 1Issue Died:NonePowers:AgilityBerserker StrengthBlast PowerClawsDuplicationFlightIllusion CastingStaminaStealthSuper SpeedSwordsmanshipUnarmed CombatWind Bursts ScytherNintendo with their ninja-like speed and agility, they are able create the illusion that there is more than one of them Physical Appearance Height: 4’11” 1.22m Weight: 123lbs 55.79kg Notable Scyther Tracey’s Scyther Bugsy’s Scyther March 17, 2022 admin