Yang Kei-Ying was born over 300 years ago in the Fujian Province of China. Extremely poor, he joined the army just to be able to eat. He took part in the Emperor’s attack on the Shaolin Temple. The army was unable to defeat the five masters of the temple. One of the masters, Bak Mei, turned against his brothers and helped the Emperor defeat the temple. Watching the masters battle made Yang want to become a master himself, but he was mocked and turned away by Bak Mei.
To learn the martial arts, Yang went to the Wushu school in the mountains inhabited by the Seven Scribes of the Cloudy Satchel, masters equal if not greater than Bak Mei, in hopes of being trained. Yang begged them, claiming that his bad deeds were the cause of hunger and being forced to do them. They saw through his lies and passed judgment on him. He was responsible for his actions and he was given his powers – which were also his curse.Â
Yang had been given seven lifetimes of martial arts skills. This also caused him to have seven different personalities and seven different thought processes, all fighting with one another for control. With this power, he easily defeated Bak Mei. The only thing that all seven minds can agree on is their love for violence, something he has kept hidden, along with his origin. Most believe that he gained his powers from saving an old man who was being assaulted.
As the Seven Deadly Brothers, Yang joined the Chinese superhero group known as the Great Ten. He still only plays the part of a hero, his true motives being the thrill of fighting and the hopes that one day his torment will all be ended after an unknown amount of lifetimes lived.
Powers & Abilities
As the Seven Deadly Brothers, he is able to duplicate into seven forms, all capable of thinking on their own (as they are all separate personalities). Each of the seven is the master of a particular form of Wushu (or Kung Fu) such as the Crane style and the Tiger style.