
Shaara is a member of the Kresh race. It was a warrior society, everyone having to serve in the military. The entire society appears to be cyborgs built for battle.

Shaara was raised on the streets and claims the military is the only home she has ever known. She has little, if any, cybernetic parts.

The Kresh were at battle with the with a race they called the Scales, a reptilian breed of humanoid. She participated with the first wave platoon that came upon an enemy with much greater numbers. She survived along with two others, Jude and Janus. They were left for dead by their enemy. They killed a traveler and stole his ship to return home. When they reached their homeworld they only found ashes and destruction. Their entire race had been annihilated.

The three survivors formed the Collection Agency, having no home and no wars to fight. She loved Jude deeply. Upon his death, she claimed she had nothing left and she was once again all alone. Janus reminded her that he was a complete cyborg and incapable of loving her back. In a sign of either her ruthlessness or sorrow, she destroyed an entire spaceport which may have contained a deadly virus.


Shaara was created by Ron Marz and Ron Lim in 1992 and first appeared in Silver Surfer # 61.