
Scout is a brooding young woman who wants to be a vigilante. She gets her chance to be one, when she mysteriously gains the ability to become a superhuman blue creature. She can also change back to human. She starts to help those in need at Dranac.

She is being perceived as a vigilante, who must be brought to justice `cause…she`s a vigilante.

After a while, a problem arises. She can`t change back to human. She decides that her mom mustn`t know that she`s Shadoweyes, because the police would probably charge her as an accomplice to Shadoweyes. She runs away.

Her mom asks Shadoweyes to look for Scout (Wow! What a plot twist!). Shadoweyes tells her that she will do all she can.

A young woman, Sparkle, (about the same age as Scout) disappears. Scout starts to look for her. Eventually, she is found. She has been kidnapped by a mysterious, mentally unstable woman, for reasons that aren`t explained. Shadoweyes fights against her, and saves Sparkle, who becomes her friend. Best friend.

Scouts mom tells her that she knows, that she`s Shadoweyes. All is well.

She teams up with her long time crush, her friend Kyishas boyfriend, Noah and fights crime with him.

They kiss. Then they decide that they shouldn`t, since Noah is in a relationship. Matters become worse, when they start to argue about their ways of fighting crime. Scout doesn`t care to see Noah anymore.

Scout feels compelled to tell Kyisha about what happened between her and Noah. The already tight relationship between Scout and her former BFF, is torn apart completely, by Kyisha.

Shadoweyes/Scout feels hurt by this, and steals Grim sorrow (their cat) away from her.

Shadoweyes returns to her Shadowlair. The next moment, Dranacs police departments missiles are going to destroy it (the cliffhanger will be resolved in Shadoweyes unmasked).


She is unsure but determined, filled with love for people and animals, but also brimming with rage and sadness, and although outwardly she seems stoic (and badass, she hopes), she is a storm of emotion. As a vigilante, Scout is violent and inflicts a lot of physical harm but her methods vary depending on her mood and what the particular offense is, and she does a 180 when helping children or tending to the victims she rescues and is warm and caring. Her personal limits and morality are malleable, and even though she’s out there doing her best to make a difference and help people, she still isn’t quite sure where she stands.

Scout is vegan, which can be tough given the erratic availability in Dranac’s supermarkets, but she still will eat meat or dairy in extenuating circumstances. Scout is a big reader and strives to be well-read in issues and terminology of social injustice, or at least come off like she’s well-read, but she mostly enjoys reading psychological thrillers and spy novels.

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