Shane Samson


Chief Engineer Grace
Chief Engineer Grace

Star Trek Canon Special Note
Not everything listed in the origin is Canon.  That is because only television shows and movies are considered canon for Star Trek.  This being a comic website there are many things here that are not canon.  So unless it is contradicted in film it should be listed as part of the character biography.      
Shane Samson was the assistant engineer on the U.S.S. Achilles when it was destroyed by the Chakuun.  Shane and a handful of survivors were transported to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Shane ended up becoming part of it’s crew taking over the same position.  Shane did not get along with his new commanding officer and Chief Engineer Moves-With-Burning-Grace very well.  He also hit on Mia Colt making Jose Tyler angry with him as well.


It is completely unknown what story was going on between Grace and Samson as the series ended in the middle of a story arc.