Shrinking Ray

Real name:Ray (surname unrevealed)


Identity: Secret

Legal status: Citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record

Former aliases: None

Place of birth: Unrevealed

Marital status: Unrevealed

Known reatives: None

Group affilations: The New Guardians of the Globe

Base of operations: Guardians of the Globe headquarters, Utah

Height:5′ 11″

Weight: 180 lbs

Hair: Unknown

Eyes: Brown

Strength level: Shrinking Ray possesses the strength of a normal human man of his age, build and height who engages in regular exercise.


The exact origins of the size-altering hero have yet to be determined. Regardless, investigative reporters from the superhero gossip TV program Unmasked have published a widely-believed theory as to Shrinking Ray’s identity and how he recieved his powers.

It is thought that Ray was employed by microrganics Ltd. in Bethesda, Maryland at the time of the fatal implosion that destroyed the company’s nanotechnology lab. One of the survivors was an intern named Ray, who has not been located since the implosion. The Unmasked reporters advanced the theory that Ray gained the ability to change his size at will from the microrganics accident and shortly thereafter became a superhero. Shrinking Ray has refused to confirm or deny the story.

Shrinking Ray first gained national attention when he saved the life of the Lieutenant Governor of Vermont from a microscopic assassin who had gained access to his brain. Ray defeated the killer in a sub-atomic duel inside the politicain’s skull. Over the next several years, Shrinking Ray fought evil of all sizes, oftern toiling in obscurity. Eventually Ray did establish a solid reputation with high-profile battles against menaces like killipede, mindwyrm, and his arch-enemies The Legion of Miniature Assassins.

Shrinking Ray was admitted into the new Guardians of the Glode, where he has served with distinction. Ray is sensitive to the fact that his powers are not as spectacular as those his teammates possess, and deeply resents any inplication that his shrinking abilities are not useful. Shrinking Ray’s insecurities just inspire him to greater acts of heroism. Through hard work and unswerving devotion to the Guardians, perhaps some day this small crime fighter will be considered a giant among heroes.

In Other Media

Invincible (Amazon series)

A female version of the hero appears, renamed Shrinking Rae.