The character of Shuriken was self-published by Victory Productions, by Reggie Byers himself. After her first series, she was published by Eternity comics, then Malibu. Finally Byers sold his rights to Malibu Comics in 1988, who published Shuriken semi-periodically in various mini-series and one shots.
Shuriken (Kyoko Shidara) is Japanese-American Ninja. She was born in Ohara, a little village outside Kyoto. His father was Katsumi Shidara, and her mother was a woman that he knew in America. Kyoko and her brother Koji were trained by their father in Chinese martial arts until early adulthood, until he was murdered by a Yakuza faction leaded by an old enemy.
After this incident, Kyoko went to America. Now,she worked as assassin for Morgan Enterprises, but didn’t take murder missions.
In one of her missions, she is ordered to track a mysterious assassin called Eagle claw.And she discovers a know face.
She went into many adventures. Its unknown if she is the same character of Shuriken, that appeared in the Ultraverse.