Sister Pleasure

Sister Pleasure is one of the Sisters of Sin. She was an orphan girl from an unknown background. She was chosen by the Red Skull for indoctrination into his philosophy. She was placed under the leadership of Mother Superior/Sinthia Schmidt and then artificially aged to adulthood. She was granted the ability to overwhelm the pleasure centers of others with a mere touch. Her favored method is that of a kiss.

In her first appearance, Sister Pleasure was seen in regular street clothes. She was about to be mugged in the streets of New York when Nomad/Jack Monroe rescued her. Once he noticed her face, Nomad became infatuated with her. She introduced herself as “Scarlet” and arranged to meet him again the following night. Once she kissed him, Nomad collapsed. All part of her plan to capture him.


Sister Pleasure was created by JM DeMatteis and Mike Zeck in 1983 and first appeared as Scarlet in Captain America # 287. She would appear as Sister Pleasure in Captain America # 294 which was written by JM DeMatteis and illustrated by Paul Neary in 1984.

Pleasure was later de-aged back to a teenager. But she kept her powers and her youthful appearance has never been a problem.